Linguist - web pages translator
Traduci pagine web, testo evidenziato, sottotitoli Netflix, messaggi privati, pronuncia il testo tradotto e salva le traduzioni importanti nel tuo dizionario personale per imparare le parole in 130 lingue
17.517 utenti
Wikiwand - knowledge, with context
AI-driven wiki aggregator created to enhance user experience on Wikipedia by streamlining knowledge consumption
16.096 utenti
Print to PDF
Easily print any page to PDF with just one click!
15.826 utenti
Distill Web Monitor
Monitora pagina web o feed per rilevare modifiche. Ricevi avvisi via SMS ed e-mail sul rilevamento delle modifiche.
13.331 utenti
SimilarWeb - Website Traffic Sources and Ranking
Accesso immediato ai migliori siti relativi a quella che si sta navigando! Vota se i siti sono simili o meno, e la personalizzazione dei risultati. Ricevi articoli correlati e commenti in diretta web per qualsiasi sito.
11.873 utenti
MAL-Sync enables automatic episode tracking between MyAnimeList/Anilist/Kitsu/Simkl and multiple anime streaming websites.
11.127 utenti
Eagle - Save images faster than ever
This extension makes it easy to save images and save screenshots to Eagle App.
10.783 utenti
SocialFocus: Hide Distractions
Block feed, shorts, related and other distractions on time-wasting sites like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn...
10.700 utenti
Open in PDF Viewer
Easily open desired links in PDF viewer
10.699 utenti
Social Fixer
Social Fixer for Facebook fixes annoyances, adds features, and enhances existing functionality to make FB more fun and efficient. Filter the news feed, hide sponsored posts and political posts, hide parts of the page you don't want to see, and more!
10.584 utenti
MarkDownload - Markdown Web Clipper
This extension works like a web clipper, but it downloads articles in a markdown format. Turndown and Readability.js are used as core libraries. It is not guaranteed to work with all websites.
9.613 utenti
Instapaper is a simple tool for saving web pages to read later on your iPhone, iPad, Android, computer, or Kindle. The Instapaper browser extension may be used to save the current page directly into your Instapaper account.
8.591 utenti
X-notifier (for Gmail,Hotmail,Yahoo,AOL ...)
Notifier for gmail, yahoo, hotmail, aol and more webmails. X-notifier(aka WebMail Notifier) checks your webmail accounts and notifies the number of unread emails... Supports : gmail, yahoo, hotmail, and more
8.384 utenti
Page Saver WE screenshot capture tool
Quickly and easily capture an image of a web page. Options allow you to control output format (PNG or JPEG), file name and more.
7.619 utenti
News Feed Eradicator
Find yourself spending too much time on Facebook? Eradicate distractions by replacing your entire news feed with an inspiring quote
7.373 utenti
KellyC Show YouTube Dislikes
Show dislikes on Youtube ** Extension can be disabled after update \ install by default - check it is enabled - then restart browser if not work **
6.848 utenti
Readwise Highlighter
The Readwise Highlighter is the official browser extension made by and maintained by the Readwise team that saves articles to your Reader account and enables you to optionally highlight the open web.
6.099 utenti
YouTube To Mp3 Button
Fastest Youtube video downloader, convert youtube to mp3 with just 1 click
6.039 utenti
ePUB Reader
View ePUB files right in your browser in a popup window.
5.814 utenti
Awesome RSS
Puts an RSS/Atom subscribe button back in URL bar. Supports "Live Bookmarks" (built-in), Feedly, & Inoreader
5.802 utenti
Stream Live News
Stream Live News replaces your new tab with quick access to live news streams & sponsored web search.
5.575 utenti
Save to Notion
Save Anything to Notion
5.484 utenti
Auto scroll web pages with fully adjustable speed.
5.442 utenti
Translation Comparison
Translation Comparison translates text and compares translations between Google, Microsoft, Yandex and other translators.
5.434 utenti
Tumblr Savior
Would you like to control what shows up on your dashboard? Tumblr Savior is here to save you!
5.345 utenti