Page Notes
Take notes for web pages and access them with a single click whenever you visit those web pages again. (Syncs to Google Drive)
45 utenti Users Online Counter
Shows how many people are currently on your website in accordance with our widget use. Visit our website for more info.
45 utenti
Bookmarker that allows you to save webpages to a public online bookshelf, which can be shared with a single link. You can add highlights and annotations to an article, and Curius reminds you of saved links when you open a new tab.
45 utenti
rComments - Reddit Hover Comments
Easy and lazy way to peruse all Reddit comments and replies for a post, just by hovering over the comments link.
44 utenti
微信公众号图文创作利器:Markdown 编辑器 + 多平台图片托管 借助我们创新的浏览器插件,轻松创作引人入胜的微信公众号图文内容。该插件集成了功能强大的 Markdown 编辑器和主流图片托管平台,并支持使用官方微信公众号图片托管服务,让您免费存储图片,助您高效创作图文内容。
44 utenti
ETICTAGS, l'extension citoyenne. CITOYENNETE, DROITS HUMAINS, ENVIRONNEMENT nous taguons des sites web avec des infos, des conseils, des alertes d'associations citoyennes. Les tags révèlent des liens vers du contenu proposé par les assos.
44 utenti
kukuluLIVE Notification
kukuluLIVE の放送開始をお知らせします。 kukuluLIVE で「お気に入り配信者」に追加している配信者が放送をはじめた場合、 ポップアップやサウンドでお知らせします。 アイコンバッジによって現在配信中の「お気に入り配信者」の人数を簡単に知ることができます。 プッシュで通知するためインストールしても定期的なアクセスは発生しません。 アドオンのアイコンを右クリックして「拡張機能を管理」からオプションを開くことができます。
44 utenti
App for Twitter™
An easy-to-use and lite App for Twitter
44 utenti
App for Weather Forecast
The easiest way to lookup current weather in your area, plus, get badge notifications
44 utenti
Darker Medium
Read Medium stories with happy eyes
44 utenti
Dark BBC
An extension used to darken the look of the BBC, nice on the eyes, and most importantly, nice on the browser.
44 utenti
Quotebacks - quote the web
Quote the web and manage your snippets.
44 utenti
Mastodon as a Sidebar
Displays a sidebar that lets you talk to your friends using Mastodon. Allows you to add your multiple accounts. It now uses the Pinafore mastodon client by Nolan Lawson which is very nimble and lightweight.
43 utenti
Outline me
Quickly get an article in
43 utenti
17Track This
Adds a context menu for searching tracking numbers on 17Track website
43 utenti
Time Capsule
The best person to send you links matching your interests is a time-traveling version of yourself: set a periodicity when you bookmark a URL, and the tab will re-open in the future, be it an hour, a day, a month, a year, or a decade!
43 utenti
Reduziert die Startseite von auf das E-Mail-Anmeldeformular für eine schnellere und komfortablere Anmeldung.
43 utenti
Using this plugin you can make short links and screenshots on your own domain.
43 utenti
Enhancement of your browsing history
43 utenti
Stream Live — notifications for live streams
Follow your favorite broadcasts on all popular platforms
43 utenti
RoyalRoad Full Story
An addon that adds an option for reading the full text of a RoyalRoad story.
43 utenti
СТОП: вредна "медия"
Предупреждава при зареждане или цитиране във Фейсбук на неетична 'медия' - анонимна, с фалшиви новини, клевети, конспирации, реч на омразата
42 utenti
YouTube™ queue
Queue YouTube™ video's for an instant playlist
42 utenti
Newspaper Free
Articles on some newspaper pages can be read free
42 utenti
StyleGuard Pro
Style-checking tools in Firefox for professional references, like The Associated Press.
42 utenti