CopyChatGPT - Sidebar Hider
Hide sidebar & copy ChatGPT answers. Clean, fast browsing.
27 utenti
Org Web Capture
A helper for capturing web pages via org-protocol in emacs
27 utenti
Text Direction Fixer
Fixes you text direction problems in websites. Especially useful for websites with mixed directional content (both RTL and LTR).
27 utenti
Sci-Hub X Now!
Free access to academic papers with just a single click via sci-hub!
27 utenti
Article Unlocker
Unlocks articles on
27 utenti
VK Classic Feed — старый постинг и старая лента ВК
Возвращает старый интерфейс постинга и старую ленту. Создано командой VK Next.
27 utenti
NotionX ( for Notion )
A Browser Extension that enhances 'Notion' Web App experience. 一款增强"Notion" Web App体验的附加组件。
27 utenti
GPTrue or False
Display the likelihood that a sample of text was generated by OpenAI's GPT-2 model.
27 utenti
boom! – Declutter pages, improve readability
Declutter webpages and improve readability with boom! This add-on lets you declutter busy pages and make them readable again. It also lets you knock down annoying paywalls, so you can use sites without signing up or logging in. Point, click, boom!
27 utenti
Subreddit Blocker
Block subreddits from feeds such as /r/all and /r/popular
27 utenti investigating algorithms
Strumento collaborativo di analisi degli algoritmi di personalizzazione.
27 utenti
Esperto Di Letargo
Sospendi le schede selezionate facendo clic e selezionando un orario di sveglia. Specificare un tempo relativo o un tempo assoluto. Anche la cronologia della scheda viene ripristinata se la scheda è stata chiusa di recente.
27 utenti
Words Counter
Conta il numero di caratteri/lettere/parole con un clic. Fare clic con il pulsante destro del mouse sul menu di scelta rapida per contare parole/lettere/caratteri del testo selezionato.
27 utenti
Unbiased for Reddit
Hide votes and awards on
27 utenti
Discussions on Hacker News, Reddit and Lobsters
See discussions and comments from Hacker News, Reddit and Lobsters for the pages you visit.
27 utenti
EasyBNF redirect
Redirige les liens vers les articles gérés par leur équivalent via le site de la BNF
26 utenti
Aplikacja do zgłaszania wątpliwych treści publikowanych w internecie dotyczących wirusa SARS-CoV-2. Wersja BETA.
26 utenti
An official extention for Feedeen.
26 utenti
WPM Typing Speed Test Typing
Improve your typing speed with this fun game
26 utenti
Fix programthink blog comment loading error, simply by replacing 'postID' with 'po', packaged verbatim from
26 utenti
VX Twitter Share
Adds a button to copy post link with 'vx' prefix to clipboard
26 utenti
It is a well known fact that server-side URL rewriting of archived JavaScript is less than perfect due to the "dynamic" nature of JavaScript. This extension aims to address that issue for the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.
26 utenti
Text to Speech
Select text you want to "read it out" and click on browser toolbar icon. You can also get the functionality work by right clicking on selected text and fallow to menu item "Text to Speech" and select the language of choice.
26 utenti
A add-on to convert html to excel file
26 utenti
视频网站同步播放 保存当前播放记录,分享给他人或者在之后一段时间内继续观看,适用于各类视频网站
26 utenti