Quickly add a link to your own WebCrate instance to help you organize and share links, articles and more from around the web.
17 utenti
Remove Verified Tweets
Hides all tweets from verified users
17 utenti
The Old Reader Dark
The Old Reader dark theme.
17 utenti
Cutouts extension for Firefox
Cut out a portion of a webpage and store inside the Cutouts bookmarker
17 utenti
Auto refresh Zendesk ticket page without refreshing the entire page.
17 utenti
A GPT Powered Extension helping your writing and reading
17 utenti
Add style to your social network posts.
17 utenti
Schwuurbel Such Erweiterung
Die neue Suchmaschine für alternative News, Medien und Blogs
16 utenti
Clean Wikipedia
Copy wikipedia text, sans citations. optional dark mode available. Built for personal use and put it online for some friends.
16 utenti
BlurTube - Blur all YouTube video previews
An extension that make YouTube less distractive by bluring all video previews.
16 utenti
Your GPT-4 AI assistant Plugin. Answers complex questions.Comprehend long texts. Usable everywhere. Supports exporting to Notion.
16 utenti
تطبيق العربية الرسمي على متصفح فيرفوكس ، يبقيكم على تواصل بآخر الأخبار من موقع العربية نت، بالإضافة الى الأخبار العاجلة
16 utenti
Wikipedia Sidebar
Wikipedia abstracts in a sidebar. A Firefox webextension that displays Wikipedia abstracts in a sidebar. Select text and press Ctrl+Shift+V
16 utenti
Stay Productive
Remove feed from Facebook Twitter, or Linkedin ... To stay productive !
16 utenti
Quora Explorer
Improve your Quora browsing experience with popover previews for related questions on Quora. Hover over a link to a related question to see its answer count and the rating of its top answer.
16 utenti
Save to Medium
Save articles from around the web to your Medium reading list.
16 utenti
An all-in-one tool for well organized lists of articles, videos, music & more
16 utenti
BK Info
Актуальные рабочие ссылки на зеркала сайтов букмекеров
16 utenti
Open With Instagram
Use selected text as Instagram ID and open in new tab.
16 utenti
1安装好插件 2进入类似的新闻内容页面https://finance.eastmoney.com/a/202205302395632011.html 3右键点击财新数据识别企业人物,点击跳转到对应的企业人物详情内容
16 utenti
16 utenti
使用大师笔记网页 Clipper,充实自己的知识库。
16 utenti
A Foxhole tool that connects to FoxholeHQ to get the latest Foxhole Statistics and War Information.
16 utenti
VK number verefication bypass
Удаляет запрос подтверждения номера на старых аккаунтах, при попытке посмотреть новости и запрос на логин при просмотре групп без входа в аккаунт Bypassing vk number verefiсation on vk.com/feed and login prompt when viewing groups without an account
16 utenti
Highlight for firefox
A persistent minimal note taking application — highlight and save content from webpages along with it's source information.
16 utenti