Small enhancements for Codeforces. Adds a 'copy' button in sample test cases and 'All submissions' button on problem pages
11 utenti
Facebook with less shit
Removes 'Sponsored' and 'Popular Across Facebook' posts from Facebook
11 utenti
YouTube Channels Blacklist
Hide videos from blacklisted YouTube channels.
11 utenti
ZenLite - Facebook Poster
If you're posting inventory on Facebook Marketplace and want an easier way to manage it from home, try our Zen-LITE extension. Streamline your process with ease right from your laptop or desktop!
11 utenti
Découvrez qui possède réellement le site que vous visitez et identifiez les biais potentiels.
11 utenti
Reddit Link Rewritter
Rewrites Reddit Links, to avoid their tracking. Sometimes the outbound tracking is slow, slowing your browsing experience. Skip it.
11 utenti
Bluesky in Sidebar
Displays Bluesky in the sidebar.
11 utenti
YouTube Subscriber
Subscribe to YouTube channels without needing a Google account.
11 utenti
Straw Poll Viewer
Quick view of sorted poll result by right-clicking a poll link.
11 utenti
Allows creation and management of MultiLemmys similar to how Reddit allows a user to combine feeds into a MultiReddit. However, Mullems can contain Communities across any Lemmy instances.
11 utenti
Simply Copy-Paste Notepad
A simple Copy-Paste Notepad for making copy-pasting the same thing easy. Saves text values and allows you to copy them to the clipboard.
11 utenti
Cozy FM - Podcast Player
A free, full-featured podcast player with seamless device synchronization, episode downloads, offline mode and more.
11 utenti
Stats Navigator
Linking between Baseball-Reference, Baseball Savant, Fangraphs, and Baseball Prospectus
11 utenti
Easily Remove HTML elements by clicking them
11 utenti
Hides your facebook timeline.
11 utenti
Sidebar for Gmail™
Easy Access to Gmail (mobile view) via Sidebar UI
11 utenti
Delete DailyMail Videos
Delete dailymail videos
11 utenti
Quick dashboard utilities for browser
11 utenti
Hide posts by certain users from StockBee timeline, helps make the timeline cleaner.
11 utenti
11 utenti
Youtube fresh recommendations
This extension regularly deletes youtube history older than 7 days to keep the recommendations fresh. Ensure that you are logged in to youtube in the browser.
11 utenti
AlphaXiv for arXiv
Adds a 'View on AlphaXiv' option to arXiv papers. This is a port of [alphaXiv - Open Research Discussion for Google Chrome] because I noticed there wasn't any for Firefox. This extension is open source: github.com/manogyasingh/AlphaXivFirefox
11 utenti
Conversor de Texto
Converte textos para maiúsculo, minúsculo e conta o número de palavras. #addonshackday #MozActivate17
11 utenti
Novel Updates Notifier
Add a notification icon and reading shortcuts for your Novel Updates reading list.
11 utenti
scroll to top bottom button
Scroller Adds scroll to Top and Bottom buttons on all sites [ https://newsjunky.in ]
11 utenti