Pathbuilder2e notes
Adds more notes-fields to
3 utenti
ShruTube is a browser add-on that filters YouTube search results by allowing users to hide shorts, channels, playlists, videos, or shelf content for a cleaner viewing experience.
3 utenti
Official Automatized Calc Export for Pokemon Showdown
3 utenti
BF4 Battlepack Opener
This extension adds a button to the Battlefield 4 Battlepacks page that will automatically open all unopened battlepacks.
3 utenti
9gag dark theme port
Changes the theme on the 9gag website, like the "Night Mode" theme on the 9gag mobile app. Feel free to give me any feedbacks via email or in the "assistance" Tab. This addon was built by for Chrome. This is just a port.
3 utenti
Bechdel Test IMDb
This extension shows if a movie on passes or fails the Bechdel test based on reports from Ratings are under the CC BY-NC 3.0 license
3 utenti
Upřesňuje texty o Andreji Babišovi. 1) Nainstalujte rozšíření. 2) Čtěte libovolný článek o AB.
3 utenti
The Good Net extension
Welcome to The Good Net. No, your life on Earth hasn't ended and you're not in the next phase of your existence in the universe BUT with this you can browse the internet like you'd do in The Good Place. Which means, curse words are prohibited.
3 utenti
My Games Workshop Webstore
Remembers your browsing preferences for the GW and FW sites, to make up for their UX. - Forces the GW and FW sites to always use your preferred regional version - Remembers list page view preferences - Adds links to the Instagram gallery
3 utenti
Allow Mobile Users to use input
3 utenti
Skip any ad, not just on youtube
3 utenti
Display SLMarketplace Keywords
Displays all keywords of each second life item on marketplace page
3 utenti
Vodsync for
Add Twitch costreams to
3 utenti
Shorts Redirect Tool
Automatically redirects youtube shorts links to the full video player page
3 utenti
Crunchyroll Queue
Local Queue for Crunchyroll.
3 utenti
LoL Esports Enhancer
Improves the user experience of using the LoL Esports website
3 utenti
Gencon Google Calendar Link
Adds a Google Calendar link to gencon event pages
3 utenti
Wanderers Guide GM Screen
Customizable GM Screen for Wanderers Guide (PF2e) Campaigns
3 utenti
Adds calculators and extra functionality to Generation 1 Pokemon Showdown
3 utenti
Roblox Profile Alt Checker
A Firefox extension to display alt percentage on Roblox profiles. (chrome port)
3 utenti
3 utenti
Cyber Cookie
CyberCookie, an extension reinventing Cookie Clicker. Made With 💗 by Endermythex
3 utenti
Thumbnail Image Downloader
Thumbnail Image (Size Type Selection) Download
3 utenti
Warframe Market Vaulted
Checks if the prime parts and the relics that contain them are vaulted on If so, they are tinted in gray.
3 utenti
Newgrounds MVSX
View Matrix chat rooms for movies & games on!
3 utenti