Removes the need to hover over beatmaps for additional information. The space is already there. Use it.
18 utenti
X-Change Life helper
X-Change Life helper - add sidebar with helper buttons
18 utenti
MTG Card Searcher
A quick 'n easy way to search for Magic The Gathering cards. Adds a magiccards.info directed search to the context menu (right click). With this, you can mark text with your mouse, right click on the text and search for the card.
18 utenti
A browser extension for displaying League of Legends rank in the Twitch chat.
18 utenti
GamersClub Challenger
Melhorias na Gamersclub
18 utenti
Cobaltium X
Simple Unofficial extension for simpler use of `Cobalt.tools`. This is Firefox version of the Extension.
18 utenti
YouTube Ad Skipper - By Digiwave
Automatically skips YouTube ads, even bypassing their latest anti-adblock measures. Experience uninterrupted viewing with Digiwave.
18 utenti
Fortnite Stats
View the stats of any player of fortnite battle royale.
17 utenti
YouTube Watch Later
Add YouTube videos to your Watch Later playlist with a single click.
17 utenti
Better RK forum
Améliore les forums officiels du jeu Renaissance Kingdoms.
17 utenti
Ishtar MultiTool
Browse the Ishtar Collective website in your favorite language, and easily search for any content in the entire Destiny lore archive.
17 utenti
17 utenti
Gmail Email Sent Dark Souls style
Dark Souls style notification for Gmail. Receive epic "Email Sent" notification once you send you email in Gmail.
17 utenti
An extension to mute YouTube ads and unmute them when the ad is done as well as auto skip ads.
17 utenti
HoYoverse CodeEnter
With HoYoverse CodeEnter you can quickly enter promo codes for Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail, and you can also share a link to this code
17 utenti
MyHordes Enhancer
MyHordes Enhancer improves your game experience on MyHordes. Based on Die2Nite_Enhancer created by Aymeric BEAUMET.
17 utenti
Displays the IMDB rating of Netflix shows while on Netflix. Hover over a show and it will display their IMDb rating.
17 utenti
Click Counter
Count Mouse Button Clicks
17 utenti
A Firefox Extension for Letterboxd which adds rating histograms to public lists based on the author's rating
17 utenti
Lector Bibliotecas Ceibal
Este plugin te permitirá acceder sin conexión a todos los libros que hayas descargado de la Biblioteca Ceibal: podrás leerlos, consultar su vencimiento y eliminarlos. Para utilizarlo es imprescindible no estar conectado a internet.
17 utenti
Strava bulk remove
Bulk remove activities from Strava - by Paul du Pavillon
17 utenti
Fidget Spinner - the best one ever
Just like the real fidget spinner fad that everyone loves, but better!
17 utenti
3D Deer Hunter Games
3D Deer Hunter Games, Free Games, Deer Hunter Plus
17 utenti
This Firefox extension embeds Destinys(https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC554eY5jNUfDq3yDOJYirOQ) Livestream on destin.gg/bigscreen. The extension is a hotfix and will probably break if the Youtube ID or embed div disappears.
17 utenti
HBO Max Auto Skip & Next Episode
Automatically skips HBO intros and goes to the next episode for the all new max.com
17 utenti