YouTube Live Chat Translator
Real-time chat translations for YouTube live streams. Instantly translates messages in 139 languages, making it easy to connect with a global audience. Perfect for viewers and streamers!
73 utenti
Pop-Up Dictionary
Pop-Up Dictionary on selected word. You can use dictionary sites which provide better and more detailed definitions than e.g. google translate.
71 utenti
Popup dictionary with pronunciation
Double-click any word to see its definition. Also, you can quickly see all the words that you have looked up each day. It helps you build your vocabulary over time. WE DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO THE WORDS YOU LOOKUP!
71 utenti
Meetingtor: Registra le riunioni online
Registra, trascrivi e riepiloga automaticamente le riunioni online.
70 utenti
Trufflepiggy - Quick Search
The all-in-one search addon: just select and search. Find on multiple websites at once. Search via overlay, context menu or omnibar. Featuring anonymous profiles. Easy setup: select from 1000+ user generated searches. Cross-browser sync.
70 utenti
Inject Jyutping
Add Cantonese pronunciation (Jyutping) on Chinese characters.
69 utenti
Korektor Spellchecker
Allow using Korektor service on editable controls.
69 utenti
Furigana Maker
Add furigana to Japanese text on any page for learning kanji pronunciation.
69 utenti
Click dictionary
Double click on words to see their definition. Supports many languages, click on the extension icon once installed.
69 utenti
Convert text and webpages between Traditional and Simplified Chinese variants.
69 utenti
Traducteur PIKA
En attendant de savoir de quoi Pikachu parle le 8 mai au cinéma, dans Détective Pikachu, vous aussi, parlez le PIKA ! Ce module complémentaire permet de traduire les textes de vos pages web favorites en "Pika Pika" !
68 utenti
Menu Sugestões - Goo. Tradutor
Controlar o Menu de Sugestões do Google Tradutor: Enter para ocular e CTRL+Espaço para mostrar.
68 utenti
Voltaire au bûcher !
Corrige la phrase affichée.
68 utenti
Multitran popup
Translate words and phrases using dictionary.
68 utenti
68 utenti
Aksharakuppy - അക്ഷരക്കുപ്പി
Easy Malayalam Typing Notepad , Manglish Notepad
68 utenti ( Japanese Tag Romanizer
Translate Japanese tags on with a simple mouseover!
67 utenti
Stop écriture inclusive
Corrige l’écriture inclusive d’une page web en temps réel. Fonctionne sur les réseaux sociaux comme Twitter.
67 utenti
Blueet Translator
Adds twitter-like Translate functionality on Bluesky
67 utenti
工具栏按钮, 弹窗显示选中词或短语的翻译. 词典数据包含在插件之中. 不依赖任何在线翻译服务. 词典数据来源: 经裁剪后, 插件安装文件仍有13+MB. 安装后, 插件启动时载入所有词典数据需几秒(本机测试大约2秒). 此后每次查询不需重载词典.
67 utenti
Adsgo Facebook广告助手
Adsgo Facebook广告助手
66 utenti
add a "urban Dictionary" entry in the context menu (when a word is selected), which opens a new tab for the highlited word.
66 utenti
WordReference dictionary
Translate without leaving the page.
66 utenti
Pronunciation for American English words with IPA and audio
66 utenti
Entfernt Gender-Strenchen und ähnliche Konstrukte, welche den Lesefluss stören, und ersetzt sie mit etwas anderem.
66 utenti