9GAG Tag Blocker
A plugin to block 9GAG articles by tag.
10 utenti
New SWATHub Page Capture Tool
Web page source capture tool for SWATHub, supporting pages with frames and realtime HTML rendering.
10 utenti
Warcraft Wiki Editor's Toolkit
A productivity tool for Warcraft Wiki editors to generate initial wiki markup from Wowhead pages. When browsing Wowhead, click the W icon to generate Warcraft Wiki markup. Currently supported are Wowhead pages for quests, missions, and NPCs.
10 utenti
Disable scrolling when dragging links or text to the top or bottom of the screen.
10 utenti
CoderStats link for Github Coders
Display a link to the CoderStats page for the currently displayed GitHub user when browsing <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/18292d9c1899dd2b453ea9e3c1375587569f07a1d91694af6d865f8eab086cdb/http%3A//github.com" rel="nofollow">github.com</a>.
10 utenti
Take Your Time
Gives you four progress bars to check out your progress and see how your time is running out.
10 utenti
NimRecorder allows users to capture, replicate and execute synthetic user actions.
10 utenti
Aurin is AUR packages installer.Aurin is AUR packages installer. Install packages right from AUR website in 1 click like browser extensions.
10 utenti
Clip url
Copy the page url directly from the address bar
10 utenti
MangaDex Speedloader
Stop loading images from MangaDex@Home.
10 utenti
Imgur, but for Image Hosting
Perfect if you don't use Imgur as Social Media. Redirects straight to the hosted image!
10 utenti
Youtube Shorts Redirector
Redirects all Youtube shorts urls to the standard Youtube "watch" url to use the desktop layout.
10 utenti
Youtube Speed Ctrl, Autoplay, Spacebar
AUTOPLAY & SPACEBAR TWEAK DOES NOT WORK WITH UPCOMING YOUTUBE ALL-WHITE REDESIGN YET. IT WORKS WITH THE CURRENT DESIGN. Disables YouTube Autoplay. Spacebar pauses the video. Control video speeds: [ = slower ] = faster \ = default
10 utenti
Quora Upvotes
Sorts Quora answers by upvotes The addon is available here: <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/139e1d25650211fe6378a2bff9171ead422f70751e292038fb6e24de30ddb9e3/https%3A//github.com/3DIndian/quora-upvotes">https://github.com/3DIndian/quora-upvotes</a>
10 utenti
Search multiple documents for .NET at once. Jump to another .NET document. Supported sites * Microsoft Docs(<a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/ca826faea1d127b17a0de98c0379925090ef3ed99731e355d5e07f613f5938fe/https%3A//docs.microsoft.com/">https://docs.microsoft.com/</a>) * Reference Source(<a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/170df127599f1137560c9f6c70c8eb3de00ab5e69cb2867d95b9859d3448968f/https%3A//referencesource.microsoft.com/">https://referencesource.microsoft.com/</a>) * MSDN(<a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/37d52c927a3b734332d93cd5ce3d3e8781be75e0151d781d6299555a7593d5a8/https%3A//msdn.microsoft.com/">https://msdn.microsoft.com/</a>)
10 utenti
Quick Search for Google Translate
Select a word or phrase in current browser tab and click the popup to get the translation
10 utenti
GH Imgur Fix
GH imgur fixer via <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/83a181471bf019c9e37d03869dfe89033b4d054377e6ad9773ae48e61fa9092d/http%3A//craycopy.com">craycopy.com</a> by Keebs - Homerow Co.
10 utenti
Extensão para lançamento de nota fiscal para ONGs da NFeApp.
10 utenti
Telephone-Links: CSTA over HTTP
open tel-protocol links with a «CSTA over HTTP» - compatible phone.
10 utenti
Book Tester
Simple extension to play around with minecraft books
10 utenti
Quick Copy Pro
Copy and transform various page elements with ease by using custom copy macros that suit your needs.
10 utenti
Open Web Launch
This extension helps run Java Web Start applications in all java versions, including OpenJDK 11, Oracle Java 11
10 utenti
bangumi new wiki helper
提取 amazon jp, steam, getchu 等网站的信息,辅助创建 <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/95ee3ecbcdad1f8a4924580adfc78f4417a2b1eb74411bb181337a88cb44018c/http%3A//bgm.tv" rel="nofollow">bgm.tv</a> 上的条目。 支持 <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/95ee3ecbcdad1f8a4924580adfc78f4417a2b1eb74411bb181337a88cb44018c/http%3A//bgm.tv" rel="nofollow">bgm.tv</a> 条目的查重和图片的打码
10 utenti
Stormworks Lua IDE - Allow Localhost CORS
Allows the Stormworks Lua IDE on https://lua.flaffipony.rocks/ to send requests to localhost and receive them to support the Stormworks HTTP API. Code based on CORS Everywhere. Source: <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/a357134c50574a0a0d92f4eaeadf8c9daa1832f62e591239330abd7da4b87921/https%3A//gitlab.com/stormworks-tools/lua-ide-allow-localhost-cors" rel="nofollow">https://gitlab.com/stormworks-tools/lua-ide-allow-localhost-cors</a>
10 utenti