Sleep Mode
Sleep Mode will temporarily put all tabs to sleep mode for saving RAM memory, saving battery and make your computer/laptop faster.
736 utenti
Live Reload — monitor and reload html, css, js
Addon for web devs. Monitor included JS, CSS and/or HTML in frames and automatically reload the host page when a change is detected in the included source. Supports inline reloading of stylesheets and frames without reloading the host page.
735 utenti
uTorrent Connector
Connects to a uTorrent client to queue torrents from page links.
733 utenti
TabGroups married with Tab Containers and bookmark & history search
733 utenti
Mturk Suite
Mturk Suite is a an extension that brings together a large collection of useful tools to assist workers.
729 utenti
Bookmark Tree for Tree Style Tab
Bookmark and restore Tree Style Tab data.
724 utenti
Oxford English Dictionary
Looking up Oxford English Dictionary quickly while browsing an english website
722 utenti
Web Editor
Edit the every web page you want !! .... Making your own custom web page , using any other web page is just a click away !!! You can convert any web page into an editable document , which can then be edited and saved .
721 utenti
WikiTree Browser Extension
The official WikiTree browser extension.
720 utenti
AVJT - Assistente Virtual para Justiça do Trabalho
O AVJT - Assistente Virtual para Justiça do Trabalho é um recurso de Acessibilidade para servidores com capacidade motora reduzida da Justiça do Trabalho que visa a facilitar a operação dos principais sistemas (PJe, Consultas, Pesquisas, E-mail...).
719 utenti
AI Search
Search using AI from Perplexity directly in Firefox. This is an experiment and feedback is definitely welcome.
717 utenti
YouTube Plus
YouTube with more freedom.
716 utenti
Traducir con DeepL
Agrega la opción traducir el texto seleccionado con DeepL en el menú contextual
715 utenti
MAGic Cast for Android
Magic Cast позволяет воспроизводить на экране телевизора видео с веб-сайтов, в том числе фильмы, телешоу, новости и спорт
712 utenti
Use your text editor to write in your browser. Everything you type in the editor will be instantly updated in the browser (and vice versa).
711 utenti
Lo strumento di annotazione più elegante ed efficiente in Chrome.
711 utenti
Popup image. Batch download. Extend BBS. etc...
709 utenti
Codeforces Practice Tracker
Track your practice progress on Codeforces.
708 utenti
京价保 - 京东价保助手
708 utenti
Pins the same websites across browser restarts.
707 utenti
DOCX Viewer
Allows you to view docx documents using docxjs.
707 utenti
Ethereum Gas Price Extension
A simple free utility for your browser that helps you decide how much to spend on your next transaction.
707 utenti
Make America Kittens Again
Replaces images of Donald Trump with kittens, because seriously, f*** that guy.
707 utenti
Advanced Java Launch
Java desktop launcher. Requires compatible web pages and native application plus Java. The extension uses downloads API and native application API to mediate between browser and Java.
707 utenti
Close Right Tabs Button
Adds close right tabs button.
706 utenti