ResizeIT 2
Restore one of four preset window sizes + positions
468 utenti
Cambridge Dictionary
Look up Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary for the selected text
468 utenti
Bookmark pages for read them later
468 utenti
An in-browser internet radio client with no ads, unlimited skips, and song downloads.
468 utenti
A better firefox extension for Pinboard (
462 utenti
Simple Porn Blocker
Simple extension that blocks pornographic sites and pages by scanning the URL for certain words. Easily add and remove websites and keywords to block.
462 utenti
Tab Notes
Open New Tab, and write down every piece of your thought!
462 utenti
PDF to JPG Converter
Convert PDF documents to high-quality JPG/JPEG images
462 utenti
SSHGate client SSH e emulatore terminale
Aprire sessioni client SSH con un emulatore di terminale
460 utenti
Back to Close WE
Use the back button to close newly opened tabs.
457 utenti
Collection of Link Related Actions, e.g. Open Selected Links, Copy Selected Links
457 utenti
Mooc Assistant
456 utenti
Hot Virtual Keyboard Extension
This extension brings up the virtual keyboard when entering text input fields. Hot Virtual Keyboard has to be installed and running: Virtual Keyboard Home Page
455 utenti
SEARCH Investigative and Forensic Toolbar
This extension provides investigators and forensic examiners with links to investigative and forensic resources.
455 utenti
Summarize your articles online in 1 clic
454 utenti
Amazon Link Shortener
Get the short version of an link.
454 utenti
Copy HTML Text WE
Copy HTML source text. Keyboard shortcut F8.
452 utenti
WordSolver for
Waouh on cheat sur
452 utenti
Life Science Dictionary Tool
ライフサイエンス辞書ツールは、Webページ中の広範囲な生命科学用語を翻訳することが出来るマウスオーバー辞書です。ライフサイエンス辞書プロジェクト( )によって収集された10万語の英語用語、11万語の日本語用語を、用例・遺伝子情報などと共にご利用いただけます。 本アドオンはFirefox57以降での動作に対応したWebExtension版です。旧ライフサイエンス辞書とは動作が異なる部分がありますので、ご注意ください。
451 utenti
The Unofficial Social Blade 3
Track your YouTube stats without leaving your current page. The version 3 allows tracking up to 20 YT channels simultaneously. The extension allows users to enter full Social Blade's statistic pages for accounts right within its pull-down window.
451 utenti
Wtyczka pozwala oglądać wiele filmów i seriali bezpośrednio w serwisie Filmdb.
451 utenti
Paste Enabler
Module complémentaire qui permet de coller dans une page Web, si la fonctionnalité est bloquée. Lorsque vous êtes sur une page web qui l'interdit, cliquez sur l'icône de l'extension. Elle forcera la possibilité de coller.
449 utenti
Conflux Browser Extension
448 utenti
Close Left Tabs Button
Adds close left tabs button.
447 utenti
Passman - The password manager for Nextcloud / ownCloud! Password synchronization browser companion, meant to work alongside with nextcloud app "Passman" ( ). Bring the power of your passwords back to you.
446 utenti