Allows you to copy content from sites with copy-protection.
281 utenti
Tab Colors
Selects a random color for each tab and displays the color while the tab is active. You can customize the colors to your liking and also set specific colors for websites.
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Toolbar Clock
Stylish analog clock for your browser toolbar.
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Largest image
Displays the largest image from the current page.
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Open in Opera
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Opera browser.
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Android scroll bottom
Adds a menu item on Android to scroll to the bottom of the page. On desktop it adds a button.
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Siteimprove Browser Extension
Website performance scores at your fingertips Have the most comprehensive performance metrics always by your side: - how a web page lives up to quality standards - how discoverable it is for search engines - if it meets accessibility standards
279 utenti
Pajoohyar Connector allow you to save items to Pajoohyar standalone or Pajoohyar cloud within browser Firefox, using Pajoohyar’s site translators.
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Remove the clutter, ads, popups and paragraphs and paragraphs of filler text from recipe sites.
278 utenti
AO3 Tag Blocker
Automatically blocks tags on AO3.
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Tab List Board
Enables you to classify opened tabs freely and switch tab easily by tab lists displayed on a board.
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Dormancy 'retires' tabs that have gone unused for a while, freeing up that memory. It then restores the tabs to life when accessed.
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Youtube Shorts Remover
Hide all the Shorts in the subscriptions and other page. Remove also the tab from the sidebar
277 utenti
BAF extension
This extension provides access to file system and cryptography functionality, clipboard, and BAF add-ins.
277 utenti
Text Linky Tool
A useful tool for web links. Features: Copy as plain text. Copy as HTML source. Copy Link Name & URLs. Copy Tab Name & URLs. Analyze image/page URLs.
276 utenti
Google Analytics Logger
This extension serves to act like a logger for various google analytics events on any site. ‣ Supports page views, interaction events, user timing, social and exception events. ‣ Works with legacy GA ‣ Logs duplicate events and error events
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Use ⌘+⇧+I for toggling fullscreen on any website.
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Word Reference Translator
Firefox extension to allow quick access to Based on (currently obsolete). It opens a new tab with WordReference's translation for the selected word.
276 utenti
Enable Google Generative AI
Enable Google Generative AI in Firefox.
274 utenti
Hide Fixed Elements
Adds a button which can be clicked to make "fixed" elements (that is, headers/footers/sidebars that stay stuck to one part of the window) disappear, opening up more space to view the page content.
274 utenti
Add movies to Radarr ( or Series' to Sonarr ( while browsing various websites (IMDB, TVDB and Trakt).
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Yahoo! Mail Alerter
Uses your Yahoo! login cookie to check for new Yahoo! mails (i.e. no password required)
274 utenti
TUW lAma - let Alma be more adroit
Suche mit Listen von ISBN oder AC-Nummern, o.ä. mit Strg-Alt-Y erweitern. Exemplarvorlage. Diff-Viewer. Dynamische Bookmarklets. Marc21 Syntax Highlighting.
273 utenti
FOE Sniffer
Ajout d'informations supplémentaires dans Forge of Empires - Permet de mesurer l'activité de ses amis (colonnes triables) - Permet de visualiser le nombre de PFs à investir sur un GM - Une case à cocher permet de replier le menu supplémentaire
273 utenti
Javascript Control
Add a button in the url bar to block or enable javascript per-site. Default is javascript disabled.
273 utenti