Ayudante de Tramites
Auto Recarga las paginas de tramites de Apostilla, Pasaporte, Legalizacion y Antecedentes Penales cuando aparecen los errores 404, 500, 502 y 504.
232 utenti
GradeCam Helper
When used together with an application utilizing GradeCam, GradeCam Helper enables users to transfer scores into any online gradebook. NOTE: GradeCam Helper only works in conjunction with supporting applications. It is not a standalone extension.
230 utenti
WebSocket Detector
Simple extension that detects websocket connection on the page and shows indicator.
230 utenti
Odoo Easy Debug
This extension changes to debug mode and vice-versa in Odoo ERP. Usage: - One click to activate and disable debug mode - Double click to activate and disable debug mode with assets ONLY FOR ODOO/OPENERP For more info see github.
230 utenti
Erweiterung zur Erstellung eines NZBlnk entweder aus einem selektierten Text oder durch manuelle Eingabe
230 utenti
TextForma SE
229 utenti
Fullscreen Anything
Maximizes images, videos, and games.
229 utenti
Mouse Pinch-To-Zoom
Zoom in on a specific part of the website, like you would with a touchpad gesture!
229 utenti
World Clock
Display multiple world clocks in toolbar popup.
228 utenti
Minimize Window Button
Toolbar button to minimize current window
228 utenti
Math in Address Bar
Solve math equations in the address bar by typing 'math', then an empty space, then an equation like '(3^2 + 4^2)^(1/2)' and the answer will appear in the drop down menu.
225 utenti
Insert Template to Editables
Quickly insert predefined templates into input boxes and text areas.
225 utenti
WordReference Translate
Access WordReference dictionaries of lots of different languages from anywhere. Translate every word with details and examples. Listen to the pronunciation.
225 utenti
Yugipedia Redirect
Redirect from Yu-Gi-OH! Wikia to Yugipedia.
224 utenti
Just Read - Text to Speech
The simplest (open source) Firefox extension to read highlighted text.
224 utenti
Tab Count
Show number of open tabs.
223 utenti
223 utenti
CPI Helper
Extends the SAP Cloud Platform Integration with some useful features to improve usability.
223 utenti
Control your Firefox's tabs from command line
223 utenti
Tab Control
A very simplistic add-on to position new tabs to the right of the current tab and activate the tab to the left when closing the current tab.
222 utenti
Da PDF a file
Converti PDF in immagine, Txt, Doc.
222 utenti
Restyle the web with xStyle, a user styles manager. With xStyle you can install themes & skins for many sites and create your own.
222 utenti
Ad Stop - Best Ad Blocker
Adstop blocks media ads, video ads, popups, scam and malware sites.
221 utenti
HackBar For Quantum
HackBar Quantum is a sidebar that helps you with web application security testing. This add-on is a predecessor to the original HackBar that is not compatible with Firefox Quantum. This is still in beta phase, lots of things are yet to come :) .
221 utenti
Codeforces extension pack
221 utenti