Blocks specific pages and URLs with the click of a button
70 utenti
LeetHub v2
Automatically integrate your Leetcode & GeeksforGeeks submissions to GitHub
70 utenti
Linkace Bookmarklet
Simple Linkace Bookmarklet integration for firefox. It allows you to bookmark pages you want to keep in the long term. Find the complete list of features here : <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> .
70 utenti
GPT Reader: Free AI Text to Speech (TTS)
Listen to premium ChatGPT voices reading your text for free!
70 utenti
Custom Cursor Sets
Allows users to customize their cursor appearance on different websites, providing a unique and personalized browsing experience.
70 utenti
VolumeMaster Pro
Easily manage and control the volume of your browser tabs
70 utenti
Sort Bookmarks By Date
Sort bookmarks by date. The most recent ones appear at the top of the list.
70 utenti
Facebook™ Livestream Mode
Facebook™ Livestream - ENHANCE and SPEED UP for the your viewing Facebook live stream (Football, Game, ...) for slow internet connection. Like my add-on Facebook™ Livestream.
70 utenti
Changes and misspells all text on websites to make it seem like it was written by a "bimbo".
70 utenti
mHeaderControl is a Firefox Plugin which provides features to manipulates HTTP headers of requests. Individual features can be turned on globally or on a per page basis.
70 utenti
Read in a foreign language. Click on words to add your own translation, and view it by hovering your mouse over the word. Helps visualize your progress in vocabulary acquisition.
70 utenti
Ignore Google Scripts
Ignore Google scripts and route Google CDN to Cloudflare.
70 utenti
Last Visited Toolip
Shows last visit time in link toolips.
70 utenti
Anti Tumblr Infinite Scroll
Disables infinite scrolling in Tumblr themes and loads the next page the "natural" way instead
70 utenti
Muslim Prayer Times
Muslim prayer times in your city.
70 utenti
AudioContext Suspender
Suspending AudioContext instances automatically
69 utenti
CrecenTech Utilities
The main purpose of this extension is to disable or hide "show password and eye icon" from different URLs and also disable inspect element from browser.
69 utenti
Clippy MS Office assistant is now back to assist inside your browser! Add-on will add Clippy inside every website. Clippy will make random comments depending on the website. You can turn him off if he gets to grumpy, or back on if you need help!
69 utenti
PCD Title Spell Check
Add spell check functionality to the title field in PCD. After installing this add-on, misspelled words within the PCD title field will be highlighted with a red squiggly line underneath.
69 utenti
Font Changer
Changer la police de texte de n'importe quelle page de façon instantanée avec un simple clic, choisissez parmi une liste de 800 polices différentes.
69 utenti
Default links not to be underlined
Restores non-underlined hyperlinks by default (setting text-decoration: none).
69 utenti
Use Alt+Shift with the left and right arrow keys to navigate your tabs in the order you've used them. Alt+Shift+◀ to go back, Alt+Shift+▶ to go forward. Simple like that.
69 utenti
Beanfun Bypass
繞過Beanfun網頁檢測,讓火狐也能正常啟動遊戲 必須先安裝Beanfun plugin <a rel="nofollow" href="">!Plugin_1.0.18.msi</a>
69 utenti
TF2 Advanced Trader
Helps with steam tradeoffers and backpack.
69 utenti
IMDb Search (Title)
Utilizzare il menu contestuale (tasto destro del mouse) per cercare su IMDb (<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>) qualsiasi testo da altri siti web.
69 utenti