IPTC Photo Metadata inspector
Right-click on any image and select "View IPTC Photo Metadata". IPTC's GetPMD tool shows all metadata embedded in the image.
213 utenti
Download YouTube videos quickly and easily! Supports all available YouTube formats (MP4, FLV, WebM, 3GP) for any video quality (from 144p up to 3072p).
213 utenti
Floating Panel for YouTube™
An easy-to-use and lite App for YouTube.
212 utenti
快捷键调整哔哩哔哩视频播放速度 1.2版 z 1倍速 x 减速 -0.1 c 加速 +0.1 ` 1倍速 1 1.25倍速 2 1.5倍速 3 1.75倍速 4 2倍速 5 2.25倍速 6 2.5倍速 7 2.75倍速 8 3倍速 9 4倍速 0 5倍速
211 utenti
Download and scrape e926/e621 pools and etc.
211 utenti
Histogram Viewer
Generates the histogram of a selected image.
210 utenti
Youtube: No Spoilers
Prevent spoilers by hiding video time info, scrubber, recommendations, comments, and more. Disables autoplay. Works on youtube and twitch.
210 utenti
Search from Popup or ContextMenu
Fork of "Swift Selection Search". * Search by multiple search engines(GET or POST Method) at once * support folder management * support charset (UTF-8, RAW, Shift_JIS, EUC-JP, ISO-2022-JP, windows-1251, windows-1252(ISO-8859-1), Big5, GB18030).
207 utenti
Find Image In...
Easy search by image, in Google or Yandex, just a few clicks.
205 utenti
Zoom Extension For Gov
Recommended, support FireFox 45+. The Zoom Firefox Extension allows participants to schedule Zoom cloud meetings directly from Google Calendar. you can start an instant meeting or schedule a future meeting via a button.
205 utenti
BC Video Fix
This extension fixes some bitchute videos, that do not load. Moreover, you get the option to search on external search engines for a bitchute video. Furthermore, this extension allows you to download videos on bitchute and odysee.
204 utenti
Find the subtitle for any video you want.
203 utenti
YouTube queue/playlist links export
Adds a button to export/copy video links from a YouTube Queue/Playlist to clipboard
203 utenti
Image Harvester
精准、高效地下载网页中的图片. Download images on web pages precisely and efficiently.
202 utenti
Spotify Desktop-ify
Open Spotify URIs/web player links in the desktop app every time
202 utenti
Original YouTube Audio
Tries to set the original audio track on YouTube videos.
202 utenti
Radio Player
Listen to more than 20K free radio stations around the world!
201 utenti
Learn languages by watching films and series. Customizable subtitles and a popup dictionary to master your vocabulary while watching YouTube or Netflix. Open-source and free.
201 utenti
iQiyi Adblock
Remove and Block ADs from iQiyi.com and iq.com.
201 utenti
Spotify Playback Speed
Adds a button and menu to manipulate playback speed on Spotify Web.
200 utenti
LISTEN.moe Extension
Anime/Japanese Radio powered by LISTEN.moe!
199 utenti
Local Image File Viewer
Next and previous buttons for viewing images in local file URLs to browse folders.
198 utenti
Wallhaven Direct Downloader
Allows you to download the wallpapers on Wallhaven directly from the search/tag/random/toplist pages
197 utenti
Play media on current URL in external application. Best used with mpv and youtube-dl. Please visit the Homepage for more info, known issues and issue reporting.
196 utenti
YouTube ZOOM
This extension adds a zoom function for YouTube. <strong>In order to use it you have to be logged in.</strong>
196 utenti