Buscar imagen en TinEYE
Agrega la opción buscar imagen en TinEYE en el menú contextual
12 utenti
No Recs
Removes the *Recommended* section from the YouTube homepage.
12 utenti
Cast.UASAY - видео с сайтов в вашей Enigma2
Плагин отправляет видео ссылки с веб-сайтов, в том числе фильмы, телешоу, новости и спорт в спутниковый ресивер
12 utenti
Radio Meuh Player
Écoutez le stream audio officiel de « Radio Meuh » directement dans votre navigateur Web. Il suffit de cliquer sur l'image de la Meuh pour activer ou désactiver la lecture. Enjoy music from reblochonland !
12 utenti
YouTube Auto
Automatically Like and Subscribe from YouTube!
12 utenti
NASA Images
Watch some of the most recent NASA images.
12 utenti
Simple Image Editor
A Simple Image Editor. You can convert your firefox into a full featured image editor
12 utenti
Amogus Jumpscare
Riproduce casualmente un effetto sonoro divertente e per nulla usato fino allo sfinimento.
12 utenti
Faust Video Downloader
Download videos from webpages
12 utenti
Bookmark YouTube videos at their current playback position with one click to a folder in your bookmark bar.
12 utenti
YouTube: Play Only Audio
Turn off video of any YouTube video and play only its audio.
12 utenti
PNG Grid Background
Inserts the PNG Grid onto png images
12 utenti
Youtube Controller Hidden
Youtube Controller hidden & Caption move freely 1. The playback progress bar can be kept visible continuously by pressing Alt + J 2. You can hide/show the playback controller UI and the progress bar using Alt + K, L, H
12 utenti
NetEase Music Recognizer
Music Recognizer using NetEaseMusic
12 utenti
Scanlate downloader
Download manga from scanlate websites
12 utenti
Смотреть фильмы онлайн
Все фильмы интернета в одном расширении, поиск и просмотр фильмов онлайн
12 utenti
image-orientation: from-image
Attatch 'image-orientation: from-image' CSS to rotate image according to ExIF info.
11 utenti
Imgur Website Follow Users
Makes it possible to follow users on imgur website. Imgur beta is not supported.
11 utenti
Simple YTDL
Allows for the downloading of YouTube videos with a single click. I designed this extension to be minimally-invasive and easy-to-use.
11 utenti
Style Tab
a new tab, a css writer, a html saver with css and images, use local picture as web background easily especially in mobile, setting button is on the top-right corner, the flower icon,
11 utenti
Youtube FTW
Open any youtube video to the full size of your tab window.
11 utenti
Crunchyroll Dimming
Remove screen dimming effect in Crunchyroll
11 utenti
盘络上传,是一款免费的上传扩展程序提供兰空图床,简单图床,chevereto,阿里云oss,AWS S3,等程序的文件上传
11 utenti
tinder.com TinderAutoliker
Tinder Autoliker on tinder.com https://tinder.com/app/recs - my plugin's work page.
11 utenti
ytmusic video off
Stop/hide video on music.youtube.com
11 utenti