Open a tab from any IMDB title site.
8 utenti
Updates the URL with the current time of the video.
8 utenti
Pinterest True Fullscreen
When you fullscreen pinterest, the UI elements now disappear. Neat!
8 utenti
Sauce me
Adds google/yandex/iqdb/wait/etc reverse searches to the context menu on images
8 utenti
YouTube (un)cookify
Quickly switch context to watch YouTube video without impacting your watch history!
8 utenti
Hide YouTube Dopamine
Hides like and dislike buttons and view count on YouTube and blurs video suggestions on search.
8 utenti
Image compare
Compare images in quality
8 utenti
Get Me Radio!
Your Radio and Podcast directory. Browse and listen to tons of Radio Stations and Podcasts!
8 utenti
youtube watch time limiter
Sends you to a different website after a certain amount of time spent on YouTube and makes YouTube inaccessible for a period of time afterwards.
8 utenti
Video remote
Remotely controlled video playback. Easily controlled video-player in your phone, using the plugin, which is compatible with most mobile-type. Simply scan the QR code and had it under his control on your mobile!
8 utenti
دانلود از یوتیوب، ویمو، ساندکلاد و... با استفاده از سایت
8 utenti
This is an WebExtension addon based on my ViewTube+ userscript. For more information read:
8 utenti
Bandcamp To Discogs
Generates a CSV file for the Bandcamp artist release. The CSV file can be imported into Discogs as a draft.
8 utenti
Audio Customizer
An extension for users with specific audio needs. It enables them to tune out low/high frequencies that they might be sensitive to or force stereo audio to come out as mono. It also offers a few other smaller features.
8 utenti
Super News World Daily Videos
View the Latest News Videos Daily. Free-to-watch videos daily in just 1-Click. News sources from All Youtube News channels, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNBC, Fox Business. Addon uses 3rd party site (
8 utenti
Mute all the tabs except the visited one, this is usefull when browsing Facebook or 9gag and listening to music or podcast on the internet at the same time
8 utenti
Bandcamp Play
Automation of work with Bandcamp: autoplay, play/pause control by hotkeys and etc.
8 utenti
Adjusts video playback speed for Firefox
8 utenti
AI Image Checker
Right click on an image and select 'Check for AI Generation' to generate a prompt letting you know if a given was partially created with AI.
8 utenti
Force Youtube Theme Refresh
Forces the Youtube theme refresh for most Youtube pages
8 utenti
"Anna'sArchive: Goodreads, Amazon"
Allows for quick searching of goodread books or amazon in Anna's Archive
8 utenti
Yt Ad Skipper
Skip YouTube ads automatically
8 utenti
Video Blocker
Hide not relevant videos for you from youtube
8 utenti
Bandcamp Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts for Bandcamp
8 utenti
Object Finder AI
Trova i nomi degli oggetti nell'immagine usando l'IA
8 utenti