RIT Rate My Professors Extension
Shows the Rate My Professors rating of RIT professors while searching for classes on Tiger Center and CSH Schedule Maker.
8 utenti
Protect your privacy, avoid google tracking cookies.
8 utenti
Вимикає показ російськомовного контенту у результатах пошуку Гугл
8 utenti
Humble Bundle Choice Steam Links
Adds links to the Steam games available for choice members
8 utenti
URL Collector
Collect URLs and endpoints from a webpage. Egyscan Helper Will Help Pentesters and security researchers to find the endpoints easliy
8 utenti
Video Audio Extractor
Extracts audio from videos on a webpage and saves it as an MP3 file.
8 utenti
Translate titles on Wikipedia - International
See Wikipedia articles in your languages. Translate titles on Wikipedia adds translations and links to article titles. You can jump between language versions easily. And you can choose your own languages. Free software under GPL 3.
8 utenti
Facilita a sua buscar por sinônimos em páginas da web.
8 utenti
NFT Scanner
NFT Scanner helps you scan your NFT assets and shows where the media and metadata are stored.
8 utenti
Reverse Image Search
Adds an option to the context menu to reverse search an image on various services.
8 utenti
Critique: AI Browser Copilot
Chat with your web pages, get automatic tooltips on unverified information, get research insights on articles. Right-click any web content and get AI researched responses about it.
8 utenti
8 utenti
Fixes links for MobaXTerm
8 utenti
Piazza Automated Related Question Recommender. PARQR recommends similar posts on Piazza to save you time!
8 utenti
Get instantly any website reputation and traffic data
8 utenti
Bibliai hivatkozások beillesztése a <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/01b69ee9b0cde7da4f1da1715994c520c81c20c93f5e7d899e37a4e444d11d9b/https%3A//szentiras.hu/" rel="nofollow">Szentírás.hu</a> oldalról
8 utenti
Xeno Wikipedia
Lookup things on Wikipedia. Type ”wx“ into the address field followed by a space separated optional edition- or language code and the token you are referring Wikipedia for.
8 utenti
RARBG thumbnails Public V.
Display thumbnails automaticly on RARBG <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/8ed2668cf275d828318e855be5ff16e52a34405227103fbeedb596ded5ce035e/https%3A//github.com/keyboardslayer/rarbg-thumbnails" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/keyboardslayer/rarbg-thumbnails</a>
8 utenti
Forrester / Google Search Integration
Integrates Forrester search results into Google search results.
8 utenti
An interface to various web caches or archivers (Google, Bing, Wayback Machine, archive-is). You can add another providers.
8 utenti
Sets Firefox's default search engine to <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/3272f7000a3970bd863079691ee6b5960e9c1b9d030082c94fb383d2dd17534f/http%3A//SearchTheRight.com" rel="nofollow">SearchTheRight.com</a>
8 utenti
Bravetto AEM Catalyst
Built upon Shubham Garg's AEM Navigator for Chrome. Provides easily accessible controls for navigating AEM Touch UI, OSGI configuration, and web consoles.
8 utenti
Play pronunciation from Forvo in Jisho
8 utenti
UseTools - Useful tools
I'm allowing you to use, usefuls tools all along your search ! Without leaving your current page !
8 utenti