Chercher sur Dictionnaire-japonais
Cherche le texte sélectionné sur <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>; modified from <a href="" rel="nofollow">Ollie's Search</a>
7 utenti
Jobs Filter
A little helper to diminish junk jobs from the feed
7 utenti
IMDb, Trakt & Letterboxd Search
Right click to search for a movie on IMDb, Trakt, or Letterboxd.
7 utenti
Elk's Stash: Dnd Loot Generator
Random Loot Generator for DnD
7 utenti
Switching between en-us and another language
Create a link to switch en-us in Microsoft URL to another language and vice versa.
7 utenti
Instant Prime Search
Search Amazon Prime instantly from your browser and save on shipping Instantly search for products available for shipping FREE on Amazon via Prime. Simply click on the amazon icon and manually enter the product name.
7 utenti
DnD Beyond Auto Source Filter
Enable auto filter by source book on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
7 utenti
Direct WS
SEO-плагин, значительно ускоряющий сбор слов с помощью сервиса <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
7 utenti
"MailGPT" is an Open Source Firefox extension that utilizes the power of the GPT-3 language model and ChatGPT to assist users in crafting professional and effective emails. with ChatGPT Responses.
7 utenti
Lectio opgave skjuler
Denne extension skjuler opgaver som er afleveret eller mangler.
7 utenti
Shadowmap Location
Open the current location from Google Maps/Earth in Shadowmap and vice versa.
7 utenti
右クリックメニューの「Googleで検索」をショートカットキーに登録して実行できます。テキストを選択してショートカットキーを入力してください。ショートカットキーはオプションから変更可能です。 ※アドオンの動作テストは設定ページ以外で行ってください。
7 utenti
Web Traffic Exchange AutoSurf
Official WebTraffic.Exchange autoSurf extension - Helps to do surf others website automatically and earn points by viewing others websites.
7 utenti
GB search tools
Adds filtering options to block mods by user or specific keywords on Gamebanana.
7 utenti
"Import Waypoint" menu
Find places on the web and import them into your itinerary with one click!
7 utenti
つながる英単語 Picker
マウスを当てるだけ。英単語を瞬間検索! 「つながる英単語Picker」はブラウザで利用いただける辞書ツールです。 ウェブサイトの文章はもちろん、YouTubeの字幕にも対応します。 調べたい英語にマウスを当てるだけで、単語の意味を瞬時に検索します。 【つながる英単語 picker では以下のことが可能です】 ・ウェブサイト上の単語や熟語の意味が調べられる ・YouTube の字幕にも対応! ・復習したい単語は保存ができる ・好きな辞書データをインポート可能
7 utenti
El poderoso parafraseador en línea del mundo para reescribir textos en español
7 utenti
Save and share bookmarks instantly w/ Stacks
Share bookmarks with your team, friends and family with just one click, whether it’s your favorite youtube video or a great article.
7 utenti
Filter favorites
Filter your favorites on Vinted by size, availability, price and search term and sort by price. This addon is not affiliated with Vinted and I take no responsibility for the use of this addon.
7 utenti
your personal productivity hub,right on your new tab page.
7 utenti
Wikipedia Search Engine
Adds a search engine that searches (EN).
6 utenti
The browser extension for seamless, page-specific note-taking. 📝
6 utenti
An anonymous and free shortener link and redirect service.
6 utenti
6 utenti
Google Image Search
Adds a context menu option to search any image on Google Lens.
6 utenti