Available Reads 2
Displays availability of ebooks and audiobooks from your local library on GoodReads pages.
5 utenti
Avora: AI Research & Browser Assistant
Avora provides a context-relevant AI-powered assistant straight to your browser.
5 utenti
Random McMaster Page
A browser extension that takes you to a random page on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/38da3a3ed0c52aece78ac5882208a0c26e10c9cb9c023fa2d00e88e87635de7e/http%3A//mcmaster.com" rel="nofollow">http://mcmaster.com</a>, helping you discover new products and solutions easily.
5 utenti
IEEE Unlock
Unlocks IEEE papers by using sci-hub proxy
5 utenti
5 utenti
Search splunk
This extension help you Search questions, apps, docs in splunk answers, splunk base and splunk doc.
5 utenti
LolByte: League of Legends Summoner Search
Powered by Riot's Official API, quickly view detailed information about a summoner all within a lightweight extension.
5 utenti
Mit der Talentgrabber Erweiterung für Firefox können Sie Kandidaten von überall dort aussuchen, wo Sie sie im Web finden.
5 utenti
ERLI.pl- wyszukiwarka
Dodaje wyszukiwarkę serwisu <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/321183f21e5b43e59887171c757dd7e10ca1a4a1bb6a800b5ce46902cd1c0af8/http%3A//ERLI.pl" rel="nofollow">ERLI.pl</a>
5 utenti
Fast Repository Finder
Quickly query software package sites for libraries & dependencies such as NPM, PyPi and Maven Central directly from your browser
5 utenti
Ebay Shipping Display
Display shipping time estimate and shipping method for ALL items on the search page
5 utenti
Allow Drag
You can drag or copy any web site(모든 웹사이트에서 드래그 및 복사가 가능합니다.)
5 utenti
快速切换搜索 - Mooogor
5 utenti
Volume Control
Control the volume of audio on the current page.
5 utenti
Search Selected Text
Searches the selected text using pre-defined search engines.
5 utenti
Scrollbar Lens
Shows a minimap of the page when hovering over the scrollbar
5 utenti
Screenshot with URL
Takes a screenshot of the current tab and saves it to Downloads, Created By Moshik Ziyoni
5 utenti
SearXNG (search.demoniak.ch)
Add SearXNG (<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/2f59df5b8b75d021436ec632783ab044a4bbc96d40e90c2864c45aaa1b0fc6cb/http%3A//search.demoniak.ch" rel="nofollow">search.demoniak.ch</a> instance) to your Firefox search engine list.
5 utenti
CardSpotter (Magic Card Spotter)
Automatic card image tooltips for MTG video streams.
5 utenti
Search maps.lt Context Menu
Search selected word(s) in <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/a182850460d9feae5f6819cfa5adca8f839b5f146eaa5de4e4d81b495dcea0c5/http%3A//maps.lt" rel="nofollow">maps.lt</a>
5 utenti
Create and share links to arbitrary elements on a web page. The links will still work for people without the extension, but they don't get the advantage of the element being highlighted.
5 utenti
Extension opens URL with one parameter in new tab
5 utenti
Roblox Game Blocker
Tired of annoying Roblox games appearing in your feed? Block them using this powerful tool, with many options, and an easy to use interface.
5 utenti
Omnisearch Companion
Display relevant notes as you search from your Obsidian vault.
5 utenti
Stackoverflow Snippets
Quickly find code snippets from StackOverflow on your search results
5 utenti