HyperComply Form Assistant
Use HyperComply to fill out web form security evaluations.
5 utenti
the browser's missing explore tab
5 utenti
Phind Search for Firefox
Sets <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/a7bc5fe4a614be574046cc33d863ca8c83ce1a610121efdbb4c2f7f32b44d505/http%3A//phind.com" rel="nofollow">phind.com</a> as the default search engine.
5 utenti
Yes or No Wheel
User-Friendly Interface: The extension offers a visually appealing and user-friendly interface, ensuring a seamless experience for users. Step-by-Step Guide: The extension presents a step-by-step guide to logging in to Google Bard,
5 utenti
Image Searcher
Search images on various search pages, with customization available
5 utenti
SearXNG (search.sapti.me)
Make SearXNG (instance <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/4e03db81e72cf9ce175ab6f60243e1b7f50daa9501f72459d111b00140f2d0d0/http%3A//search.sapti.me" rel="nofollow">search.sapti.me</a>) the default search engine! SearXNG (previously Searx) is a free and open-source metasearch engine.
5 utenti
It's like a Time Machine for your browser. Search through everything you've seen and find that thing you don't know where you looked up.
5 utenti
NAMINT quicksearch
A simple OSINT tool for searching info based on selected text (select 2 or 3 words) i.e. name, optional nickname, and surname
5 utenti
Piped.video Redirect
Redirects youtube to piped using piped.video's search. I just copied tushisvet's extentions and deleted some code cause their extention didnt work for me.
4 utenti
SearXNG Search Eliesemoule
Adds SearXNG as the default search engine in your browser.
4 utenti
Genea Ancestry Add to Tree AutoClick
Automatically checks or unchecks all checkboxes when adding new information or people to your Ancestry family trees.
4 utenti
Dork It
A tool for advanced Google Dorking with customizable search parameters.
4 utenti
Shodan Lookup
Search in Shodan
4 utenti
Anteprima di ricerca e collegamento
Vedere le anteprime dei collegamenti e eseguire istantaneamente le ricerche nella stessa pagina utilizzando questo anteprima invece di aprire nuove schede
4 utenti
EFT Wiki Search
Search the Escape from Tarkov wiki using 'eftw', or use the extension to search items, maps or ammo.
4 utenti
Удобный инструмент для отправки туристам списка туров с ценами по e-mail или смс.
4 utenti
Alexa Quick Search
Alexa Quick Search access your search engines in a popup panel when you select text in a webpage. Context search menu also included!
4 utenti
Instant View
Save articles to Telegram and read them later via Instant View
4 utenti
This simple extension helps you define the words in fewer clicks and no typing. Steps: 1 - Highlight the text. 2 - Right click the highlighted text. 3 - Choose one of two dictionaries websites (<a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/af938573933830912355b5b6b94ed6f1f3f63bc8c3e7387c2560e1ebefc6cd83/http%3A//dictionary.com" rel="nofollow">dictionary.com</a> or <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/3f3c85701520dedb2e7dcd12c34a1a156ab4776800ad6a7a2acdc1b713b40135/http%3A//urbandictionary.com" rel="nofollow">urbandictionary.com</a>)
4 utenti
The easiest way to find your favourite Modrinth projects.
4 utenti
Quotient Impact
Surfez en toute transparence avec [Q.I], le Quotient d'Impact qui donne l'impact réel des marques sur la planète.
4 utenti
Summarize large texts using Cohere API
4 utenti
Enregistrement d'épisode et accès rapide de vos animes en cours pour le site <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/f22acb1c6900a20f7ee5164ba18dcc7d4ebba33b93d99f131b2440409f998e32/http%3A//voiranime.com" rel="nofollow">voiranime.com</a>
4 utenti
1 Tıkla Google Sayfa Hız Testi
1 Tıkla google page speed testi yapın. Eklent simgesine tıklamanız yeterli.
4 utenti
YouTube Speaker Skip
YouTube Speaker Skip is a powerful plugin that lets users easily skip over currently speaking individuals in videos. Ideal for interviews and discussions, it enhances viewing efficiency by helping you focus on preferred content quickly.
4 utenti