Subreddit Jumper Search
Adds a shortcut ('r') to instant jump to a subreddit
1 utente
If you never close your tabs and never knows to find the one you are looking for, this is the thing for you
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Google Tab Hotkey
Quickly scroll through Google or DuckDuckGo search results with TAB and shift+TAB.
1 utente
Crypt Currency Wallet address & BLock Chain investigation tool.
1 utente
Gagnez en productivité, épargnez la planète. Avec Bookmarker, personnalisez et regroupez instantanément vos bookies par dossier, ciblez rapidement vos adresses préférées ou partez à l'assaut du web grâce aux moteurs de recherche.
1 utente
Search words from English Wiktionary with just a few clicks.
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ЧИП и ДИП Поиск
░▒▓ in Russian only ▓▒░ Поиск электронных компонентов в магазине ЧИП и ДИП
1 utente
Search current site - Fork
Search current site and customize the list of search engines.
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YT Subscription Tag Filter
Filter YouTube subscriptions by tags
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POE Crucible Trade Search
Better POE trade search for Crucible passive trees
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A web browser extension for job automation (works for linkedin and glassdoor). Runs on Chrome and Firefox.
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Automatically redirect to the new URL format of Ansible documentation
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Yaplakal Sorter
Расширение позволяет сортировать сообщения пользователей по рейтингу и по длине сообщений
1 utente
Mark important keyword for every google search. Get the non-SEO results.
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Prime Currency Converter
The Best Free "Currency Exchanger" and "Currency Converter" integration with browser.
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Get the current URL as a QR code or formatted in many ways.
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newtab for poweruser
A minimalist new tab, to speed up your web browsing.
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Property Inspector (BETA)
The easy way to identify property defects without any experience or specialist knowledge. Join our early access Beta. PropInspector is still in early access beta and our services should not be used to make finacial decisions.
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Exchange Shopper
Search the Navy and Army exchanges with 1 click
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Phishing detection tool that leverages AI to scan every site and webpage you visit to prevent malicious attempts.
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Auto Truthlens is a little different from our TruthLens add-on. This add-on adds truthlens button on the page. Checks trueness as soon as you visit a page by sending the article link to Truthlens service.
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