Bildungsinternet 101
Wenn ich als IT-Administrator das Bildungsinternet 101 auf meine gemanagten Endgeräte verteile, aktiviere ich das TIME for kids Bildungsinternet mit integriertem Kinder- und Jugendschutz.
1 utente
Solving Wordle has never been easier!
1 utente
Tanoshii Dictionary Search
Searches for the selected text in the Tanoshii Dictionary.
1 utente
A hub of latest Mod APK files for Android, iOS and PC that you can download & install free.
1 utente
Chercher dans les comptes rendus
Différentes recherches dans les comptes rendus de l'Assemblée nationale
1 utente
Linkedin Hunter by
Linkedin prospect finder,collect prospect from the LinkedIn page.
1 utente
Clicking 'videos' on google search redirects the search to YouTube
1 utente
Search Everyday
Access emails, news & other search-related features from your browser search bar, along with custom web search powered by Yahoo®.
1 utente
浏览器翻译插件,配合『吾爱词霸』服务端"Flask Mdict Server"本地查词。双击选中单词,弹出翻译窗口或者侧边栏窗口。
1 utente
بال فلتر | PAL Filter
أداة برمجية طورها المركز الشبابي الإعلامي لمساعدة مستخدمي منصات التواصل الاجتماعي على تجاوز مشكلة الحظر بسبب 'الكلمات المخالفة'
1 utente
Copy link of format <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
1 utente
bookmark controller
Search through and modify your Bookmarks, without making those modifications permanent.
1 utente
ThoughtTrace is a Document Understanding and Contract Analytics platform.
1 utente
Exip DDN Extension
Exip Decentralized Domain Names Extension
1 utente
KYH link (ZED RUN)
Adds a link to view the ZED RUN horses on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> while browsing OpenSea
1 utente
Append string after URL
For my personal use: Append a string (default string: 'videos') after a URL on hover.
1 utente
Blocks web pages based on if they contain specified keywords or not
1 utente
Pocket Search
A simple addon to search in Pocket
1 utente
СУМ-11: словник української мови
СУМ-11: словник української мови. Використовується сайт <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.
1 utente
Find backlinks of the current url using google search
1 utente
Google Türkiye
Arama motorlarına <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ekler
1 utente
SearchX for Webheberg
Adds SearX as the default search engine in your browser
1 utente
Sortowanie Allegro
Wtyczka do sortowania wyników wyszukiwania na Allegro
1 utente
Finds addresses in the web page you're on and pops up a map window.
1 utente
USD to INR Converter
Convert USD to Indian Rupees
1 utente