CHF to PLN Converter
A simple converter for CHF to PLN.
0 utenti
USD to RWF Converter
Convert USD to RWF directly from your browser.
0 utenti
TZS to UGX Converter
Convert TZS to UGX directly from your browser.
0 utenti
AymericDev: CV Accès Facile (
Module permettant d’agréger très simplement et très rapidement les résultats de vos recherches sur <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>. Les données agrégées doivent être utilisées conformément aux CGU. Plus de détails: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
0 utenti - cashback rozšíření
<a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> Vás upozorní na možnost získání zpětné odměny z Vašeho nákupu.
0 utenti
0 utenti
Allows you to quickly lookup a BNET tag on overbuff by adding a context menu option to lookup the selected BNET tag.
0 utenti
Findit Malta! Search
Find businesses in Malta with Malta's leading and oldest business directory. You can also win upto €250 a week by reviewing businesses. For more info <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
0 utenti
IFSD Search
Une page de recherche pour le site de la IFSD :
0 utenti
Search selected text on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> as search engine.
0 utenti
Saving all request headers to session storage. Js code injector.
0 utenti
Turn complicated hashes into easy, readable text
0 utenti
Search your bookmarks easily
0 utenti
PESCO bill checker
Check your PESCO bil by entering reference number
0 utenti
Best Gifts Finder
Calculate the estimated price when you want to buy gifts
0 utenti
Piped Quick Search
Search directly on Piped by right-clicking on selected text/word
0 utenti
Tee Sports Galaxy
Calculate the estimated price when you want to buy sports products
0 utenti
Convert XCD to HUF
0 utenti
InspireMe Tab
Ignite your motivation with the InspireMe Tab extension. Embrace random images and motivational quotes on every new tab, fueling your drive and ambition throughout your browsing journey.
0 utenti
Interesting History
A different way to view your browser history to highlight interesting links
0 utenti
Find the fastest routes to your friends while you're on the way.
0 utenti
Social Media Mute
Mutes audio on social media websites.
0 utenti
Koalas images - Custom New Tab
Replace your NewTab page with Koalas
0 utenti
QuickSearch is likely a tool, software, or feature designed to quickly locate and retrieve information or data from a system or a database. It is often used in applications, websites, or platforms where users need to find specific items
0 utenti
Quick Link Share Notes Sp
Quickly share links with attached notes on social media platforms.
0 utenti