Chooz'it Auto
Explorez, comparez, choisissez !
0 utenti
Fast Finger Vaccinate Me
automatically fill data on cowin portal to speed up covid vaccine slot booking
0 utenti
Hmovies / Hmovies Extension
Enhance your streaming experience with just one click
0 utenti
Dell Service Tag Search Engine
Creates a custom search engine in Firefox to allow you to quickly pull up Dell's support page by using 'd <service tag>' instead of having to manually use their website.
0 utenti
Adds "no AI" tags to searches.
0 utenti
Dorar Hadith [Un Official]
Search takhrij hadith through <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
0 utenti
Vim is for pros only provides Vim navigation and other vim like actions in Firefox. See Documentation for more information. h - left j - down k - up l - right
0 utenti
Add support to the omnibox to search for recent StackOverflow posts on a topic
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This extension was created for testing purpose
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Click one button to learn more about the topics on the current page
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Youtube Auto-focus
This add-on will auto focus the search bar on youtube, this will improve search functionality.
0 utenti
Provides multiple search options for nn
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Website Recommendation Engine
0 utenti
Woodys Ducky
A search engine with my favourite DuckDuckGo settings
0 utenti
MagicMadHouse Sort By Price
Sorts by ascending price on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> rather than the default recommended.
0 utenti
A minimal New Tab page for your Firefox browser with no ads or annoying popups.
0 utenti
Wonoly QR Generator
Create quick and easy QR codes
0 utenti
Promomoto - Plateforme e-commerce et annonce moto gratuite
0 utenti
Bookmark Xmagic Truy cập nhanh
Bookmark truy cập nhanh website <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
0 utenti
Snappy Tab
Snappy Tab is an extension for the New Tab
0 utenti
Buildbot Monitor
Displays the status of the Chromium buildbot in the toolbar. Click to see more detailed status in a popup.
0 utenti
TBSP Print
Adds a quick print button to your browser.
0 utenti
I will help you to never lose your links again.
0 utenti
Esta extensión permite extraer la lista de páginas de empresas desde el buscador interno de Facebook y copiarlos a <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> para obtener más datos sobre las empresas, para generación de clientes potenciales y campañas de marketing.
0 utenti
Pick Commits
This add-on is used to pick an author's commit hashes from bitbucket PR.
0 utenti