Show YouTube Dislikes and Unlisted Videos
Miss the ability to see dislikes? Want to have a quicker method of seeing unlisted videos or discover new ones? Now you can have all those things for free!
125 utenti
Sort By: Oldest
Return YouTube Sort by: Oldest
125 utenti
广告净化器 - Ads Ban
125 utenti
Library Genesis OpenSearch Engine
OpenSearch engine for with a theme responsive icon.
125 utenti
SpigotSearchEngine is a Browser Addon, it will help you to find any Resources on with the help of the added Searching bar. All Resources are sorted by their Priority (Plugin Rating, number of downloads and more)! :)
124 utenti
Search Engine 2.0 | Display ChatGPT with AI Images
Display AI-generated responses with Google search results and generate your AI-generated images on Google Images. Setup Tutorial :
123 utenti
Steam Context Menu
Search Steam using the context menu
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inDoors - Show Glassdoor ratings on job sites
Shows Glassdoor ratings for companies when searching on Linkedin, Indeed, and Handshake.
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123 utenti
Kindersuchmaschine Blinde Kuh
Die Blinde Kuh ist die erste deutschsprachige Suchmaschine speziell für die Zielgruppe Kinder (Grundschule++). Sie ist nicht kommerziell und wird derzeit vom Bundesministerium für Famile, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ, Deutschland) gefördert.
122 utenti
SCTPextension enables the browser to communicate with the SCTP native application. It so allows a web application to make cryptographic operations (key generation and signatures) on a smart card phisically connected to the host.
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Améliorez votre recherche Google grâce aux résultats de notre service.
121 utenti
Google Chile ( Search
Agrega Google Chile (CL) a tus motores de búsqueda, incluyendo sugerencias de búsquedas.
121 utenti
SciHub Downloader
Download Papers from SciHub using DOI.
121 utenti
SpanTree - GitLab Tree
Tree view of file directory of repository on Gitlab.
120 utenti
e621/926 next/prev post shortcut
Go to next post and prev post.
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Block Cookies
FireFox extension that block cookies popup
120 utenti
Qwant search engine adder
It adds the qwant search engine to firefox without any popup. It is only compatible with Firefox 55 or greater. Source code :
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Genius Search
Add Genius to your search engine
120 utenti
AdSkip by tote
AdSkip cracks and skips all urls shortened by, and! ALWAYS WORKS!
120 utenti
Qricambi Assistant
Questa estensione ti permetterà di aggiungere a Qricambi codici provienienti da tutti i siti web che usi
120 utenti
My Slack Workspaces
A simple browser extension to easily access multiple slack workspaces.
119 utenti
Allociné Search
Utilizzare il menu contestuale (tasto destro del mouse) per cercare su Allociné ( qualsiasi testo da altri siti web.
119 utenti
Wiktionnaire contextuel
Recherchez sur Wiktionnaire, un mot sélectionné, à partir du menu contextuel (bouton droit)
119 utenti
URL Decrement Button
A 1-Click URL Decrement Button for your toolbar. Works with or without URL Incrementer.
118 utenti