recon - IP, Network & Malware tools
Recon extension for Firefox browser is a collection of an IP, Network & Malware tools that can be used to get information about IP Addresses, Websites, and DNS records.
73 utenti
Diese Extension soll den Umgang mit der 99Damage Homepage erleichtern.
72 utenti
Multitran search
Multitran dictionary search
72 utenti
OSIRIS: OSINT Reputation Intelligent Search
Use this extension to analyze IoCs' reputation using OSINT
72 utenti
Moolah - Cacciatore di coupon automatico
Trova automaticamente i codici coupon e applica quello migliore al tuo carrello!
72 utenti
Watch on Shikimori
The add-on adds the ability to watch and download anime on the website.
72 utenti
Data Scrapar
"Data Scraper" - extract data from web pages with ease. Research, datasets, website monitoring. User-friendly interface. Local storage. Save time and effort.
71 utenti
AfterSearchWEは,ページ内検索を行うためのより良い方法を提供します.このプロジェクトはSearchWPの代替を目指しています.(実際にはSafari機能拡張のAfterSearchに近いです) このアドオンを使えば,検索サイトで入力したキーワードのそれぞれがページ内検索ボタンとして表示されます.検索ワードは一時的にローカルに保存され,タブを閉じる際に削除されるので安全です. このアドオンはAutoPagerizeと同時に使用することができます.
71 utenti
Open in CyberChef
Adds an open selected text in CyberChef option to the right-click context menu. CyberChef is a tool that can decode, decipher, and uncompress data in a wide variety of formats.
71 utenti
Copy Image URL
Copy image source URLs from Google image search
71 utenti
Get Full Text Research (GetFTR)
Provides fast access to millions of open and subscription research papers and books - using your institution subscriptions.
71 utenti
HKUL Search Assistant
Search the HKU Libraries Catalogue without leaving your current page
71 utenti
Reddit Keyword Filter
Filters out Reddit posts containing specific keywords.
71 utenti
Allows the user to read fast by showing words at the same spot. Useful for reading articles.
70 utenti
Wordreference Shortcut
Translate with WordReference directly from the address bar.
70 utenti
V3 - Get Old YouTube Layout (Launcher)
Project VORAPIS. V3 is the alternative solution to a fast and responsive YouTube frontend which combines performance with beauty, bringing back Google's best web layout.
70 utenti
Search on Forvo
Search the selected text on Forvo
70 utenti
True Price - помiчник в магазинах України 🇺🇦
Робить покупки вигідними та швидкими.
70 utenti
Pulsedive Threat Intelligence
Highlight IPs, domains, URLs, or threat names in any website text to enrich them using Pulsedive's free Community dataset.
70 utenti
Get Site Favicon
You can get the favicon for the site by entering a URL.
70 utenti
Android SDK Search
Adds an 'ad' Awesome Bar command and view source links for the Android SDK.
70 utenti
UESP Wiki Redirector
This addon redirects Elder Scrolls Wikia/Fandom requests to Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) Wiki. It will also attempt to redirect you to the appropriate page on the UESP wiki. Otherwise, it searches directly on the UESP wiki.
70 utenti
Erweiterung - Schnell-Startseite
Nutzen Sie die als Ihre Startseite ins Internet und beim Öffnen eines "neuen Tab" in Ihrem Firefox.
70 utenti
What3words translator
This is an easy interface that communicates with and allows the user to convert from the traditional latitude and longitude coordinate system to the 3 word address system.
70 utenti
Wikipedia ES
Busca en en español
70 utenti