Organise knowledge-rich-content from around the internet.
54 utenti
Google Search Enhancer
Google Search Enhancer is a Firefox addon that optimizes the Google search experience for mobile and tablet users. By adjusting the user-agent string, it aligns Firefox's functionality with that of Chrome, delivering a seamless and improved search.
53 utenti
Extra Danbooru functions: Dark mode, Instant preview/download links, Multi-tag search
53 utenti
Structured Data Test of current URL
This extension tests the current URL in browser through Google's Structured Data Testing Tool with a single click - Created by
53 utenti
Обходит блокировку некоторых Youtube запросов в России, в том числе возвращает аватарки пользователей и авторов. Расширение не использует прокси, поэтому сайт работать хуже не станет
53 utenti
Search in Morfix
Morfix dictionary, the leading online Hebrew-English and English-Hebrew Dictionary, free translation, with audio pronunciation, inflections, synonyms, example sentences, Hebrew Nikud (punctuation), encyclopedia and more.
53 utenti
Unofficial Kagi Link Summarizer
Adds a 'Kagi summarize' option to your right-click menu
53 utenti
Exclude Topics from Google News
This extension allow you to block / filter topics from google news from a list of keyword. All topics containing one of keywords will be hidden. Can be used for children protection. (eg list : "war, death, drug, sex...")
53 utenti
Slash is an open source, self-hosted platform for sharing and managing your most frequently used links.
53 utenti
Page Notes
Take notes for web pages and access them with a single click whenever you visit those web pages again. (Syncs to Google Drive)
53 utenti
Domain Age Checker | Site Age Checker
Domain age checker is a whois tool / extension for checking any domain age freely.
53 utenti
AVX - Assistente Virtual da Execução
Disponibiliza ferramentas de produtividade para realização e gerenciamento de bloqueios eletrônicos para Execução Judicial.
52 utenti
WebSatchel - Your personal web archive!
Instead of bookmarking a web page save its copy on Cloud. Bookmarked link may change or disappear but saved page will not. Organize saved pages into a knowledge base. Visit home page and see why saving pages is better then bookmarking.
52 utenti
Web Scraper
RSS, Atom Feed Reader & Web Crawler
52 utenti
RefSeek Search Engine
Search more than five billion documents, including web pages, books, encyclopedias, journals, and newspapers.
52 utenti
Touch Navigate
Adds touch screen gesture navigation. Designed for use with 2-in-1 laptops.
52 utenti
Check what is my IP address
Best Tool for check Your IP address, IP localication, device information and more. Check out What is my Ipv4 Address tool.
52 utenti
52 utenti
MetaDesk - Nuova scheda per Web3 e Blockchain
MetaDesk è una nuova e robusta scheda e pagina iniziale che supporta pienamente Web3 e Blockchain, con i suoi widget personalizzabili e temi 4K/HD colorati
52 utenti
Smart Redemptions
Smart Redemptions is a Firefox Add-on that displays the Avios points needed for flights searched on Google Flights.
51 utenti
This web extension is designed to help you search throughout the web in an extremely versatile manner where all you need to do is select a word and then right click to unveil all the searching options that has been provided by this web extension.
51 utenti
Quick Tab Switcher
A quick tab switcher for Firefox
51 utenti
Potok Extension
Расширение Potok позволяет моментально импортировать кандидатов с разных работных сайтов и соц. сетей (сейчас доступны - HeadHunter / SuperJob / МойКруг / Facebook / LinkedIn / GitHub и еще ряд федеральных и региональных сайтов).
51 utenti
Searches webpages for valid phone numbers and turns them into tel links or sends them directly to the Zulu client application itself
51 utenti
Find in Tabs
Find text in all your open and active tabs
51 utenti