ChatGPT Query
The extension adds the ability to query ChatGPT outside of the website automatically via links with the GET parameter named 'q'.
34 utenti
Cerca quello che ti serve su Google Immagini (IT).
34 utenti
Confluence Quick Search
Quickly search team knowledge with the press of a button. Free and open-source, no ads!
34 utenti
🚀 Lightweight Browser new tab extension | 一款轻量简洁的新标签页浏览器插件,专注新标签页基础功能
34 utenti
Unlimited Telegram Proxy List
Telegram Mtproto Proxy List Firefox Extension!
34 utenti
RTL toggle
Adds a reverse page orientation so that the text is more suitable for your language.
33 utenti
Inquire to forecast Walmart product sales and growth trends Download product images with one click Export product reviews with one…
33 utenti
Search in tabs
Search any word across all your open tabs
33 utenti
DOI Resolver
Quickly resolve digital object identifiers to their web destinations
33 utenti
PaperPop - Impact Factor & Ranking on Scholar Site
Display journal impact factors, categories, and rankings with one-click sorting and Excel export.
33 utenti
Vinyloscope forDiscogs
Recherche automatique d'une release de Discogs sur les sites de labels ou de disquaires en ligne, comme Juno, Boomkat,, Phonica, Kompakt...
33 utenti
Roblox Docs Search
Search the Roblox Creator Docs
33 utenti
Faster Playback on YouTube
YouTube's < & > only go so far, let's have them go to infinity.
33 utenti
Adict - Instant Dictionary Lookup
This extension allows you to easily look up a phrase in English, Polish and others holding ALT and double clicking. You can choose one of the four available dictionaries: (EN), (EN), (EN/PL) and
33 utenti
YouControl - перевірка контрагентів
YouControl - Аналітична система для ділової розвідки та перевірки контрагентів України. Формує досьє на кожну компанію України на основі відкритих даних, відстежує зміни в держреєстрах та візуалізує зв’язки між афілійованими особами.
33 utenti
Search on NZBIndex
Adds a context menu option to search for the selected text on
33 utenti
YouTube Reverse
Reverse YouTube videos thumbnail using Yandex engine.
33 utenti
Refresh a web page on a chosen interval.
33 utenti
Icon Finder
Super Free Icon Search Engine , Over 91000 icons, strong categorized, plus free vectors and stock photos on one place!
33 utenti
Monroney Labels browser extension
Click any VIN number and have the original window sticker information at your fingertips. This easy-to-use extension turns every VIN number you see in your browser into a clickable button.
33 utenti
Captcha captcha solver
This plugin allows you to automatically solve CAPTCHAs found on any webpage.
33 utenti
google image 右鍵搜
Seacrhes the selected text on goolge image
33 utenti
English Popup Thesaurus/Synonyms
An English Thesaurus which gives synonyms of a word when double-clicked on a webpage.
33 utenti
webviruscheck for firefox
Webページのウィルスチェッカー、ブラクラチェッカー、短縮URLチェッカーである「webviruscheck」へ連携する拡張機能です。リンク上で右クリック、URL文字列を選択して右クリックすることにより、リンク先が危険なサイトでないかを簡単に調べることができます。 ※WebExtensionです。Firefox48以降で使用可能です。
33 utenti
Query ChatGPT in the context of the current page
33 utenti