1-Click View Negative Ebay Feedback
Click "1-Click Ebay Feedback" on any Ebay Auction or Ebay User page to view all of the seller's negative and neutral feedback.
14 utenti
Search Engine Favicons
Show favicons next to results on popular search engines. Display favicons next to search results on Google, Bing, Yahoo, StartPage, or Ecosia.
14 utenti
Petey Vid
Petey Vid is a video search engine for locating videos outside YouTube. Also included is the ability to search trending social media video #hashtags and @mentions across all major platforms.
14 utenti
Deutsche Wikipedia Suche
Fügt die deutschsprachige Wikipedia als Suchmotor hinzu
14 utenti
LinkHubble is a unique and highly functional tool for counting, marking and finding links to the page the user is currently on. Designed for professional use in link audits, it has some unique features not found in similar tools.
14 utenti
Cve Searcher
Search a piece of highlighted text in either <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/58c79f7fb718437e6a80ee9e0d14ecc256119869628e1c78160f5834b2acfcbe/http%3A//nvd.nist.gov" rel="nofollow">nvd.nist.gov</a> or <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/989a41bbff4fbbf8f0e52f838747ce30143f532ce93064889df74d577ff1cbd3/http%3A//cve.mitre.org" rel="nofollow">cve.mitre.org</a>
14 utenti
Phind - AI Search Engine
Setting up as default search engine the AI <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/39964be07e10042284084ff99f4d9452c333ddcb378beec7919259e8b3c4d9b8/http%3A//Phind.com" rel="nofollow">Phind.com</a>.
14 utenti
Google Search Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts to make searching on Google faster
14 utenti
Stop Google Search proxy
This extension eliminates the step between clicking on a Google Search result link and loading the expected page
14 utenti
SiteSearch the site in your tab easily with quick selectable depth.
14 utenti
Booking Flights & Hotels Deals
Travel More, Spend Less When You Book Vacations via Booking Flights & Hotels Deals. With a mission to empower people to experience the world, Booking Flights & Hotels Deals invests in digital technology that helps take the friction out of travel.
14 utenti
Not Searching For That
Removes Google's annoying “People also search for” box.
14 utenti
ISA - Ideal Shoppen Assistent
Mit dem kostenlosen Ideal-Shoppen-Assistent (ISA) kannst du noch bequemer beim Online-Shoppen bares Geld zurück bekommen. ISA weist auch in den Google Suchergebnissen auf unsere Shop-Partner hin.
14 utenti
Search Snopes.com
Search for something on the fact checking website <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/f453d9a58a271e579ca60ea6b05b0f8190fd564a54cdf680e36267402ebaf9ef/http%3A//Snopes.com" rel="nofollow">Snopes.com</a>.
14 utenti
BoBe by Booking-Better
Effectuez vos recherches d'hôtels comme d’habitude sur 4 agences en ligne et découvrez les avantages de la réservation en direct.
14 utenti
Cryptscam Bitcoin Wallet Checker
Questa estensione controlla tutti i wallet bitcoin nella pagina e ti avvisa se è stato utilizzato per una truffa.
14 utenti
Smart Bookmarker (Save Bookmark to Folder)
An extension to add bookmarks with custom details and folder selection. Adds super power of searching folders before adding bookmark instead of manually looking for 100s of folder accumulated over years...
14 utenti
Opens various page analytic tools - SEO, CMS, & WHOIS information for any page you visit.
13 utenti
Каждый раз, когда вы ищете что-то в интернете — поисковые системы получают десятки и сотни рублей от компаний, заказавших рекламу по вашему запросу. Установив расширение Datafee — эти деньги будут оплачены Вам!
13 utenti
Fortnite Stats
View the stats of any player of fortnite battle royale.
13 utenti
Was It Discussed on HackerNews?
- check if current page was discussed on Hacker News - open discussion if HN thread was found - submit new post on HN if thread wasn't found
13 utenti
URL Shorten
A simple URL shortener which allows you to shorten URLs using <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/1f53c4101614662e4ab0e9e36c0f5cc2834953e57ba87e8af4294f6426155af2/http%3A//is.gd" rel="nofollow">is.gd</a>, <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/2e7009268aa9c0dcbd6b2edc437aeb28a6dab69870848a997f9ef0bf4c3b564d/http%3A//v.gd" rel="nofollow">v.gd</a>, <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/4c501590494b3661e0616060c186559da3d9a741a280248ad9e6f6fea6471f59/http%3A//tny.im" rel="nofollow">tny.im</a>, <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/5aa17f881ed420efa2d86fa78d9b365a5c38e3459e2100586c767c2958c459b0/http%3A//bit.ly" rel="nofollow">bit.ly</a>, <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/41752b2e94911eb946127161d67de56eda8e97fd4e794ab90056f57b3a159c72/http%3A//tinyurl.com" rel="nofollow">tinyurl.com</a>.
13 utenti
SearchRank - Google Rank Checker
SearchRank is a Website & Google Keyword Ranking Checker extension for SEO professionals and marketers.
13 utenti
Abkürzungssuche für juristische Begriffe/Abkürzungen
13 utenti
13 utenti