VIEWTEST - Amazon Image Testing
The testing tool will allow the user to enter their own product main picture and to see it as if it was selling on amazon.
9 utenti
OLX Helper
Using OLX helper extension the user can make a predefined text that will be automatically inserted in the message text box of the website. The user can save up to 3 predefined texts in the browser storage.
9 utenti
Search for Sheet Music
Search for Sheet Music plus Audio Files to download instantly! A powerful advanced search tool to find your sheet music with a right click
9 utenti
Haute Pursuit
The Haute Pursuit extension lives in the background, when you visit select retailers we'll search for that item for less at other retailers, if we find it we'll alert you.
9 utenti
DBA Magnifier
Adds magnifying glass to DBA pictures on hover so details can be better seen,
9 utenti
ProtonDB on Steam
This extension displays the ProtonDB rating of a game on Steam
9 utenti
Visualisez gratuitement l'historique des prix des annonces immmobilères diffusées sur les plus importants sites immobiliers français tels que seloger ou leboncoin.
9 utenti
Marketplace Clean&Check Buy UA
Очищайте сторінки від маркетингових елементів та перевіряйте ціни на інших сайтах для зручного шопінгу. Вибирай де зручно, купуй де вигідно!
9 utenti
Программа МАЛИНА
Всем известная программа лояльности теперь и в вашем браузере!
9 utenti
MercadoLibre Sin Internacional
Elimina los molestos productos con envío internacional del mercado libre
9 utenti
Add to GiftList Button
Add to GiftList Button
9 utenti
My Notes XXL
My Notes XXL has been discontinued, If you want a 100% similar plugin, with frequent updates, please take a look at My Notes
9 utenti Hot Sales Button
Quick button to hot sales page. Convenient Aliexpress Firefox addon.
9 utenti
Meilleurtaux Box
Meilleurtaux Box, ajoutez une dimension Crédit à vos recherches immobilières, et retournez facilement vers vos annonces favorites.
9 utenti | Preisvergleich
Wir finden den günstigsten Preis für dein Spiel. Vergleiche Preise für Brettspiele durch eine schnelle Suche!
9 utenti
Cherry Pick - Maximize Credit Card Rewards
Find the best card in your wallet for every purchase
9 utenti
Naturefund - De groenste manier van online shoppen
Join de beweging die groener online winkelt. 100% gratis. Meer dan 1500 aangesloten winkels. En werkt direct zonder account.
8 utenti
Airbnb Total
Mad that you always have to click a property to see the details? Airbnb Total is here to ease that pain. Have everything listed out for you right from the start, Cleaning Fee, Service Fee, Total per nights of stay. Want more? Just leave a comment.
8 utenti
Read Up - look up book level
Automatically lookup book reading levels (Lexile, ATOS, GRL) making it easy for parents & teachers to find books for young readers
8 utenti
Digikey Search Engine
Search items on electronics components store Digikey
8 utenti
OnlineShoppingTools - Automatic Coupons
Save money and earn rewards when you shop online.
8 utenti
Ebay Artikel Verkaufshistorie
Fügt der Artikelseite eine Schaltfläche hinzu, mit der die Verkaufshistorie eines Artikel angezeigt wird.
8 utenti
Tlačítko Tomikup
Tomikup tlačítko se zobrazí při návštěvě libovolného e-shopu. Přidejte produkt do svého wishlistu pouhými dvěma kliky. Anebo si takto uložte nápad na dárek pro přítele. Až přijdou Vánoce či narozeniny, víte přesně co koupit. Konec zbytečných dárků!
8 utenti
Sort By Review Count on Amazon
Sort By Review Count for Amazon sorts product search results by most reviewed.
8 utenti
8 utenti