Automatically replaces URLs containing <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/1925663018e6370de23faffd9e388ac70a84c6d5b80fe0aaaa9884cd14a7c22c/https%3A//x.com" rel="nofollow">https://x.com</a> with <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/ac205ff0658cb283ebbefd49bbe5207bda3d2cef89cd2263c38ece1901ef8eff/https%3A//fxtwitter.com" rel="nofollow">https://fxtwitter.com</a> when copied.
4 utenti
LoL Esports Enhancer
Improves the user experience of using the LoL Esports website
4 utenti
Bento Epitech
🍱 Minimalist, elegant and hackable startpage inspired by the Bento box!
4 utenti
Fixing Canvas
Allows filtering just assignments in Canvas/Instructure calendar mode. More features may come in the future
4 utenti
Quick Reply
Quickly reply and emoji bar on web whatsapp with keyboard shortcuts
4 utenti
Hack.Chat Notifications
Adds desktop and sound notifications to hack.chat for mentions, whispers, and invites, warnings, and highlights messages to you.
4 utenti
UsEleSs ExTeNsIoN: let's you be sarcastic in any text you type!
4 utenti
Disable HLTV forums
Disable HLTV forums extension for Firefox
4 utenti
Hide LinkedIn News
Hide that annoying LinkedIn News feed
4 utenti
Google Meet DJ
Simple volume control for Google Meet.
4 utenti
Twitter Fucklytics
Hides Twitter analytics buttons.
4 utenti
Reduces recipe websites to the essentials by removing the preamble. Go to the website of the recipe, click "Receptify" and be presented with a list of ingredients and cooking instructions only.
4 utenti
Easy dccon
디시인사이드에서 디시콘 30개 제한 우회(사용중인 콘 교체 자동화)&빠른 콘로딩 Implement automatic emoticon switching on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/0a08f3d10d52f453a0d578cebc69059af3958fee9ece931d099827777dc114fb/http%3A//dcinside.com" rel="nofollow">dcinside.com</a>
4 utenti
Trending Hashtag Hider
Hide the annoying and unnecessary trending hashtag on twitter
4 utenti
Kormányzati Kékítlenítő
Kormányzati oldalak szép háttérképeire pancsolt kék háttérszín eltüntetése
4 utenti
Brume Wallet
A non-custodial and private Ethereum wallet with a built-in implementation of the Tor network
4 utenti
Poof Sounds
Poof !
4 utenti
Reading Ruler Plug in
Adds a reading ruler to the user's screen allowing easier reading of dense pages. Users can move their mouse and the ruler will follow. Users can control the width (completely) or height (to an extent).
4 utenti
Masto and DON
This plugin provides public timeline viewer without any accounts, for your favorites mastodon instances in real time.
3 utenti
Eksi Sade
Ekşi Sözlük simplified. Removes many parts, colourises topic links with a dark theme for the famous Turkish social network. This is an open source project (GPL-3.0). It doesn't collect any data of any kind. Feel free to contribute at GitHub.
3 utenti
Autoliker mamba.ru
Autoliker <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/5d3d5a89f0e0161f2031972520f5339cebecd1ac4e09170982829e3aeee48986/http%3A//mamba.ru" rel="nofollow">mamba.ru</a>
3 utenti
BØF me
Change Brøndby to BØF
3 utenti
СП Помощник
Расширение для браузера, которое позволит моментально открыть органайзер СП Помощника.
3 utenti
If you see a Nazi, say Nazi
3 utenti
Keep track of your Derpibooru notifications and messages in (almost) real time.
3 utenti