quote button for MAL
Restores quote button functionality that's been removed from MAL forums Sep 2023, icon CCBY by icons8 dot com
3 utenti
YouTube Community Search
Allows Search of YouTube Community Posts - Search community posts seamlessly. - Filter by impressions, likes, date, like rate, and response rate - Easy to use interface.
3 utenti
Color CA Votes
This extension changes colors in a California legislative vote (at <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/c9e512c1ba6e5e3e40193f27883f74ece33a7feb811f88b4a370733780f697ee/http%3A//leginfo.legislature.ca.gov" rel="nofollow">leginfo.legislature.ca.gov</a>) to show party affiliation of legislators.
3 utenti
Jekyller Blog Editor
To support writing, editing and managing the <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/e934d5d0f7bb2dd4769719176405a51e179952ff40f2f7870176ead1eacb4561/http%3A//github.io">github.io</a> based Jekyll Blog, with Markdown Previewer.
3 utenti
Facebook Spotifier
Плагин, позволяющий в удобном формате прослушивать музыку из вашего аккаунта Spotify в Facebook. Пятая бета-версия.
3 utenti
ExperChat Screen Sharing App
This Mozilla Firefox extension is developed primary for <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/24f2febd3b9bd651e44cd34542d435e567b3340b897108316fbd9613edd7c6d5/http%3A//tokbox.com/">http://tokbox.com/</a>. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.
3 utenti
TweetDeck Accounts Switcher
TweetDeck のアカウント選択を複数選択ではなく切り替えになるように拡張します。
3 utenti
Cet addons utilise l'API de "Free mobile" (<a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/ecdf64bb519c8ac2fa9d76792a28345f16430389e733bdf3bcb5ce532ffb6678/http%3A//www.free.fr">www.free.fr</a>) pour envoyer un SMS vers son propre téléphone. Il faut être abonné chez "Free mobile" pour l'utiliser et activer le service dans l'espace lié au mobile.
3 utenti
Stop Peeking!
STOP PEEKING ! is a nifty Add-On or Browser Extension that allows you to send your message texts as and encrypted email that they can't read.
3 utenti
这是一个用来查看弹幕的工具 目前仅支持在爱奇艺上使用
3 utenti
Adds a browser action icon to the toolbar. Click the button to choose a beast. The active tab's body content is then replaced with a picture of the chosen beast. See <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/95d2523a802349589fcfc8d83005ed1d9dc4c1e7ce4e1dad8b388545cff6a6c5/https%3A//developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Examples%23beastify">https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Examples#beastify</a>
3 utenti
Saving Private Imgur
There was only one site left in the web, and the mission was to save it.
3 utenti
The NoR Report
Allows you to report spoilers and other rule violations in the NearlyOnRed Twitch chat.
3 utenti
a11y Twitter
Accessible reminders for Twitter.
3 utenti
Playlist Insights
A browser extension that provides insights about video playlists.
3 utenti
FynLink™ - Private URL Shortener
The privacy-first URL shortener with zero ads & trackers. Start free without an account or API key.
3 utenti
Itaku Enhancement Suite
A collection of minor site enhancements for Itaku, a furry website.
3 utenti
No Marketplace
Remove Marketplace from Facebook Homepage
3 utenti
Permet de jouer avec les trombinoscopes sous Pronote web, pour en faire des plans de classes dynamiques.
3 utenti
Twitter (Pin Tab)
Switch to Twitter (Pin Tab) with a single click or a Hot Key (Alt+T)!
3 utenti
Comss.pics загрузить изображение
Загрузить изображение или GIF-анимацию на бесплатное хранилище картинок Comss.pics.
3 utenti
Teams Phone Fix
Fixes Microsoft Teams phone functionality by using the user agent from Microsoft Edge.
3 utenti
YouTube On-screen Hotkeys
On screen hotkeys for youtube, with ad fast-forwarding capabilities
3 utenti
Cut fbclid
3 utenti
Replaces Elon Musk's twitter header photo by the real time location of his jet.
3 utenti