LLM Form Filler
A Firefox extension that fills forms using a large language model for better filling and less typing. After installing this extension you will need to configure an LLM API of choice by clicking on "LLM API Config" at the bottom of the extension.
2 utenti
Filter tweets from Twitter Blue users without having to block or mute them.
2 utenti
Convertisseur Macron France / Start-up nation
Cette extension anticipe le changement disruptif du nom de la France, remplacée par la Start-up nation sur toutes les publications digitales que les gens consultent, après l'élection d'Emmanuel Macron au conseil d'administration du pays.
2 utenti
Bitcoin Price Chart
Get awesome Bitcoin charts on your browser in as little as 30 seconds and be on your way to the next task by <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/76ddd77837ae6c9951159d95a7b588b1931837cbc3a640d0997cdce30e4f1ade/https%3A//binary-options-strategy.com/binary-options-mentor-service-used-win-trades/">Vladimir Ribakov Signalss</a>.
2 utenti
m <-> www
WebExtension for m <-> www on URL How to browse facebook faster? use <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/d4ef07aa9525fe01b9fb1b82384d1ecb71d22e0ff3d714ae289105fcf0afa2e9/https%3A//m.facebook.com">https://m.facebook.com</a> ! But this mobile version sometimes lacks important functions. This extension makes it easy to switch between m <-> www .
2 utenti
Plurk Buoy
Display the Plurk mobile version's link content in iframe, enhance the browsing experience on desktop.
2 utenti
External comments for web sites
This extension gives ability to leave comments on web-sites that don't suppot this. For example unregistered users can't leave comments on sites such as HabraHabr or GeekTimes.
2 utenti
Yodel Phone System
Use the <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/a33948a4d5ed1ebd77ca122ea976a886343982cf3d5f9d42ab74c9734fa584cc/http%3A//Yodel.io">Yodel.io</a> Firefox extension to click any phone number on a website to call out via <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/a33948a4d5ed1ebd77ca122ea976a886343982cf3d5f9d42ab74c9734fa584cc/http%3A//Yodel.io">Yodel.io</a>.
2 utenti
URLE.(me) Shrtnr (Shrink URLs)
Shrink and Copy your long URL with a click of a button. Remember it works on a current tab you are on
2 utenti
Punk Domains
This extension allows you to access Web3 domains such as .pool, .flr, .op, .smol, etc.
2 utenti
Replaces all urls in a <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/c97b23d0b36a3be98fb16f157c43a23d2ddd59567176d2c64c22a2b2c82bdb5b/https%3A//www.twitch.tv/popout/moderator/" rel="nofollow">https://www.twitch.tv/popout/moderator/</a><name>/unban-requests page
2 utenti
.beyond DNS
Resolves domains from .beyond name systems as well as all other OpenNIC & ICANN domains
2 utenti
Url Chat
Chat with people on the same webpage as you!
2 utenti
Jaga Stuudiumisse
Jaga praeguse lehe link Stuudiumisse.
2 utenti
Reddit Embed Linker
Firefox add-on that adds a button to Reddit posts that copies a link to clipboard that directly embeds for services like Discord
2 utenti
Zammad notifications
STILL BETA Displays an icon on the toolbar with Zammad icon, and shows the unread notification count.
2 utenti
Learn the shortcuts
Learn the keyboard shortcuts in Gmail, Trello, Google Agenda, Github painlessly! - Press and hold "alt" to see all the available shortcuts - See shortcuts when hovering over buttons
2 utenti
envite gamma for Webex Teams
Enable Cisco Webex Teams for Slack and Microsoft Teams.
2 utenti
Host meetings from home, your office, or Anywhere using the Teleport.video Firefox Extension.
2 utenti
Block addicting sites by redirecting you to a page of more productive, fulfilling ways to spend your time :)
2 utenti
Browser extension for the URL shortening service, <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/34574a5b32da0c59907064ae71b075b49f9883fbc950b910b08121964741c0b6/http%3A//Amat.su/kaze%21">Amat.su/kaze!</a> <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/46764f68d2046f12695d834baf0127876a5c3a0bd0f0df98d14fe6d647afd8d8/http%3A//Amat.su">Amat.su</a> is a simple URL shortening service like <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/5aa17f881ed420efa2d86fa78d9b365a5c38e3459e2100586c767c2958c459b0/http%3A//bit.ly">bit.ly</a> and the like themed after the character of same name from Kantai Collection, a popular Japanese game.
2 utenti
Smart Texter
New Style Quick Note , Easy Handling Text ・drag text from page to side panel and move many text temporally! ・Hierarchical structure memo arrange style! ・ E-moji ver 11.0 (2018) over 2000! non-verbal nuance search ・ Emoticon/kaomoji over 700.
2 utenti
Show Forumla Spoiler
Dieses Plugin sorgt dafür, dass alle Spoiler im deutschen <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/ac3448a0de0f32cc7243f6b9ae887598fb823d72285974693a3ca418faf77863/http%3A//forumla.de" rel="nofollow">forumla.de</a> Forum grundsätzlich sichtbar werden. Hierbei wird der Inhalt der eigentlichen Spoilertags direkt angezeigt, ohne das weitere Klicks nötig sind.
2 utenti
Unbiased Tube
This browser extension removes popularity counts (views, likes, subscribers etc.) from popular video sites (i.e. YouTube).
2 utenti
Coursera Verification Cracker
Save time and power to veify your identity!, By Sa3dy.
2 utenti