Hadith of the day
Daily Hadith in your Firefox browser
1 utente
Shill Kill
Firefox extension that removes tweets that over-shill cryptocurrency cash tags & promote signal groups
1 utente
Feed Quote
Removes Facebooks feed and replaces it with a random quote. Much like a similar extension on certain other browser. Thanks to <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/2447021b62f78a246367bc4a75afed93e859d6456f9cabb185edc4d67ecee487/http%3A//www.talaikis.com">www.talaikis.com</a> for the free API. For Joey.
1 utente
Mama Mia! Reactions for Facebook
Show your love for Hop Dude with a replacement icon set for Facebook! <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/e42df3ab7b46f8021d77a2b7eb8b7286609e4113fbfe4e96b85481026a010817/http%3A//mercworks.net/">http://mercworks.net/</a>
1 utente
Currency Fix for Steemit
Displays Steemit payouts in USD Please do not make any financial decision based on the displayed price of this extension.
1 utente
Lets you browse Imgur without having to change images manually, just press Shift+Ctrl+Right arrow and relax! To start simply press the cogwheel to set your delay and enter whatever gallery you want to browse NOT AFFILIATED WITH OR APPROVED BY IMGUR
1 utente
FBCancel Next Video
This extension will cancel the autoplay of next video while watching in theater mode..
1 utente
Tweet Sig
By clicking a button or a menu item, you can post the contents of '#tweet-sig-in' or selection and copy the posted URL into '#tweet-sig-out' or clipboard. It is supposed to be used for verification to the degree of a ready-made seal.
1 utente
Screen Sharing Ojeda UAT
This is an extension for Chrome and Firefox that allows you to capture content of your screen.
1 utente
Share content and images from any webpage to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
1 utente
Shows meetup events for Mozilla
1 utente
box-bot.biz corp
Реклама, пиар, продвижение <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/c4acf0a7b78d485a22948d71a6e09ead401956cf273841d239e0523cc68cb610/http%3A//box-bot.biz">box-bot.biz</a> Благодаря плагину Box-bot, который пользователь сам может установить в браузер – можно заработать неплохие деньги. Кликай по рекламе и зарабатывай деньги!
1 utente
Twitter usability suite
Features include making with_replies default for user account links, and latest (rather than top) tweets default for searches and hashtags. Attempts to re-implement nagivational clicks as links rather than onclick events when possible.
1 utente
Неработни денови
Неработни денови и празници. Календар на неработни денови и празници во Република Македонија. - Државни празници, за сите граѓани на РМ - Други нерабодни денови и празници. Nerabotni denovi i praznici vo Republika Makedonija
1 utente
Pietsmiet.de Dark Mode
Fügt der <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/b73f18011c27101c689cd4069d149e06a3a71dbaccd3f223d24dbb8d30a4d81f/http%3A//Pietsmiet.de" rel="nofollow">Pietsmiet.de</a>-Seite ein dunkles Theme/einen Nachtmodus hinzu.
1 utente
Blocks Facebook from your computer.
1 utente
lemgthbook editor
corrects accidemtal use of forbiddem glyph im text editor fields of lemgthbook groups.
1 utente
Androjine Live Extension
Ne manquez plus un seul de mes lives sur Twich :)
1 utente
Agil OFFICE Click To Call (AgilCTC) s'intègre dans votre navigateur Firefox et vous permet d'effectuer des appels, d'être notifié des appels entrants et de commander votre poste Agil OFFICE avec votre souris.
1 utente
HN Comments
Link to discussion of the current page on Hacker News.
1 utente
Ariston MoodFeed
Ariston Moodfeed - Update your mood.
1 utente
HWReady.it Community Plugin
<a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/8a488aed330e1621602495ef164a53d501768e8a4649ecc0585a11c7acdd83a3/http%3A//HWReady.it">HWReady.it</a> Community Plugin: tutti i contenuti, a portata di mano!!
1 utente
URSA Privacy
High strength symmetric encryption for your favorite email, plus real-time secure chat
1 utente
Refers.To Link Shrinker
Shortens URLs to the clipboard
1 utente
Xitsonga Translator in Context
This plugin instantly translates highlighted words and phrases to Xitsonga.
1 utente