Makes the copy trick.
1 utente
Developer Pritam Portfolio - Extension
This is my first extension. With this extension you can access my portfolio website that is <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.
1 utente
Youtube CC standin
The aim of this plugin is to provide something a little like YouTube's Community Captions were. Essentially this plugin takes in text formatted in a specific way and uses it to add custom captions to any given YouTube video.
1 utente
Boycott companies that are doing stupid things. Install the add on, and every time you visit a company on the turn-around list, it will redirect you to an explanation as to why you should boycott them, and offer some alternatives.
1 utente
Hestia Campfire Plugin
Plugin for watching videos on website with your family or/and friends in this same time, on different devices.
1 utente
Send and receive messages hidden in plain sight.
1 utente
Sportbonus - przypomnienie o zakupach
Ten dodatek będzie Ci przypominał, gdzie Twoje zakupy będą wspierały Twój Klub. To bardzo proste.
1 utente
Etoro - Premarket Stock Value
Etoro - show market price for selected stock and market links to a few pages
1 utente
Get the Sinhala translations of any English word when the word is highlighted
1 utente
1 utente
Freewp regularly updates Plugins, Themes from premium sources completely free and safe.
1 utente
Crossover Extension
Connects to WorkSmart for URL tracking
1 utente
Quick and easy access to FoxChat.
1 utente
A browser extension that gathers, organizes, and inspects links.
1 utente
MoodleBooster is a browser extension that enhances your experience using the moodle website.
1 utente
LoveRu Tools
Расширение позволяет отображать "заблюренные" фото пользователей сайта love_ru. А также находить по фото в соцсетях.
1 utente
Replace youtube embeds with invidious embeds
1 utente
Web Annotation Discovery
Demonstrates the Web Annotation Discovery mechanism: subscribe to people’s annotation collections/‘feeds’, to see their notes on the web; and create&publish annotations yourself.
1 utente
Randomize Case
An addon that randomizes the case of your selected text
1 utente
Click to call UBICENTREX
Click to call pour les applications intégrées à UBICENTREX L'extension permet d'appeler un numéro de téléphone sur le logiciel UBICENTREX en cliquant sur un lien de type tel: depuis n’importe quel site.
1 utente
Quickly record a video of your tab with your voice and clicks and import into
1 utente
OCTO Google Extension
Restores the OG OCTO experience on Google.
1 utente
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Subscribe to threads on Hacker News and get updates over email when comments are added.
1 utente
Haspit | Secure Your Email with Blockchain
1 utente