SeeOnce Privacy
High strength end-to-end encryption with perfect forward secrecy for your favorite email, plus real-time secure chat
1 utente
Compact Reddit Redirect
Ensures Reddit always loads the compact design for a better mobile experience.
1 utente
1 utente
Mokum share extension
Adds a toolbar button that you can use to share current page with images on
1 utente
This extension helps to insert emojis into steemit posts Are you tired of looking for emojis in Steemit? Does it bother you to search, copy and paste? Steemoji helps you.
1 utente
Расширение для шифрования личных сообщений социальной сети ВКонтакте
1 utente
Twitter Verified Account Sunglasses
This thing changes Twitter Verified checkmarks into poop emojis. Icon by Proycontec, CC BY-SA 4.0
1 utente
Make Plump Great! #HumorAsActivism
Add this to your browser and replace all instances of Trump with Plump & AHCA or American Health Care Act with Plumpcare.
1 utente
GoShopping - Отримай кешбек за покупки з нами! Розширення нагадає Вам про кешбек. Визначить, чи був активований кешбек.
1 utente
Thread Hider for The Bore
Hide threads of your choosing on <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>.
1 utente
Keepify Extention
Use Keepify to save your bookmarks and notes. Make it public to the world or keep it private.
1 utente
PageMorph Lite
PageMorph - Бесплатный редактор тем для Вконтакте и Однокссники
1 utente
Our Extention for VK Disk. VK Disk helps people to manage files from VK.
1 utente
MyLOL Privileged
Get MyLOL Privileged For Free!
1 utente
Monitor de Anúncios - Eleições Sem Fake
Uma ferramenta para detecção de Anúncios com conteúdo político e notícia falsa no facebook.
1 utente
Super Search
Search the selected text from any of the listed search engines on the go.
1 utente
Learn about the filter bubble - See what others see online!
1 utente
Llama con un click
1 utente
Slack Groups
Organize your starred contacts in Slack easily
1 utente
This add-on turns "imgur" in the URL to "0imgur", a mirror site. Helps if you are unable to reach imgur.
1 utente
Реклама, пиар, продвижение <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
1 utente
1 utente
Redact The Web
Extension that redacts text on the web
1 utente
Rllmuk Ignore Topics
Hide topics you're not interested in on the Rllmuk forum
1 utente
Enriching Wikipedia with relevant YouTube videos
1 utente