Better Roblox Friendslist
a better roblox friends list
253 utenti
ZOOM IMAGE for X(Twitter)
252 utenti
Anti TwitterSpam
Twitterのスパムにさようならして快適なツイ廃ライフを! Twitterのスパムを非表示にする拡張機能です! Say goodbye to Twitter spam and enjoy a comfortable Twitter life! This is a browser extension that hides Twitter spam!
252 utenti
帮助你重定向特定网页到新地址,以解决 google CDN 无法访问、stackoverflow 无法加载等的问题
250 utenti
Pikabu fixes
Приложение восстанавливает отображение минусов и возвращает бессрочный игнор авторов постов.
250 utenti
Антикремлебот — Подсветка ботов
Расширение, подсвечивающее аккаунты кремлеботов ВКонтакте и на YouTube. Создано при поддержке проекта Гражданское Общество
250 utenti
Nubereader offline
Este plugin te permitirá acceder a todos los libros que hayas descargado utilizando la funcionalidad de descarga de Nubereader. En él podrás leer los libros cuando no tengas acceso a internet, consultar la caducidad y eliminarlos una vez caducados.
248 utenti
Crowdsource field annotations and measure universal scholarly citation impact.
248 utenti
Wordeep Proofreading and Grammar Checker
Wordeep artificial intelligence proofreading, grammar checker, and writing assistant for Firefox
248 utenti
Ringover | Click2Call
With the Ringover extension | Click2Call, all phone numbers displayed on web pages become clickable!
247 utenti
Bulk Texter Pro
Send texts with a personal touch, at scale, using the phone number you already have.
246 utenti
Salary Seeker
Take the guess work out of job hunting. Shows you the hidden salary range on Seek Australia and New Zealand to make searching for jobs less frustrating.
245 utenti Lookup
This extension adds a context menu to enable lookup of selected word on You simply double any word on a page and right click to access a simple link that opens up a new tab that pulls up the definition of that word.
244 utenti
Pinned MS Teams
Go to the pinned MS Teams tab. If it doesn't exist, it's created.
244 utenti
skips all YouTube ads ;)
243 utenti
Telegram as a Sidebar
Telegram Instant Messenger as a sidebar. Based on original work from:
242 utenti
Contatore di parole
Contatore di parole consente di contare il numero di parole e caratteri selezionati con un solo clic.
242 utenti
G-CAL Highlighter
Google Calendar
242 utenti
DCRefresher Reborn
디시인사이드 개선 확장 프로그램
241 utenti
Edit text in your favourite external editor!
241 utenti
Webpage to Video
Converts web pages you are currently looking at into videos. The videos are produced in the mp4 (H264) format.
241 utenti
Twitter Mass Unfollow
A simple (configurable) way to mass unfollow your Twitter followings. It will save a list of unfollowed @s after finished! Note: this is a fork of, from Chrome to Firefox.
241 utenti
V2EX Polish
专为 V2EX 用户设计,提供了丰富的扩展功能。
238 utenti
Dark Theme for Instagram™
Dark Theme for Instagram
237 utenti
Web Telegram Online
Estensione Web Telegram Online nella finestra popup. Accesso rapido al messenger Web Telegram.
236 utenti