Telegram Blur
Blur and Hides your messages on Telegram until you hover over them.
121 utenti
Facebook Post Screenshot
Web Extension to save Facebook posts as images. Add-on adds new option in each post's menu to save it's screenshot (with all replies expanded). There is option for anonymization. Large posts are split into multiple images.
120 utenti
VIKI: Dịch Anh - Việt Online
Phần mềm dịch chính xác tiếng Anh - tiếng Việt online và miễn phí.
120 utenti
SideApp For Vimeo
SideApp For Vimeo SideApp For Vimeo Allows You To Open Vimeo In The Sidebar Or In A New Window. Vimeo Is Not Affiliated With The UNITY Empire And Is Not A Product Of The UNITY Empire.
120 utenti
Twitter Web - Night Mode
Android/iOS like night mode for twitter web app. Enable or disable it at the click of a button.
120 utenti
Spotube - #1 Spotify extension
An extension for easily adding YouTube or SoundCloud songs to your Spotify playlists.
119 utenti
SciHub Downloader
Download Papers from SciHub using DOI.
119 utenti
119 utenti
New NicoLive Helper
ニコニコ生放送の生主をサポートする New NicoLive Helper です。 おおまかな使用方法は従来とだいたい同じ感じです。
118 utenti
Facebook Ad Blocker
Blocks Facebook Ads in the News Feed. Including 'Suggested Posts'.
118 utenti
Pushbullet Sidebar
Displays a sidebar that let control your smartphone (send SMS / call ...) with the PushBullet Interface.
118 utenti
Share to Facebook and More
Share and spread the current URL to popular social networks. Support Facebook, Twitter, VK, and more.
116 utenti
Export Bookmarks as Text
Export all bookmarks or a branch of the bookmark tree in a text only format
116 utenti
Roblox Mutual Friends Plugin
View the mutual friends for a specific player.
116 utenti
Youtube resizer by iAlen
Youtube thumbnail resizer brings back 6 thumbnails in row instead of 4
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YouTube Max Quality
Lightweight Firefox web extension to automatically change the video quality to max.
115 utenti with Twitch Emotes
Adds 500+ Twitch/BTTV/FFZ emotes to! (Firefox)
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Messenger Dark Mode
Native Dark Mode in Messenger.
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Mastodon Share
Un plugin de partage social pour les instances Mastodon
115 utenti
Use DeepL translation on twitter!
115 utenti
Translate Text Selected
Crée une entrée dans le menu contextuel pour traduire le texte sélectionné sur une page et affiche instantanément la traduction dans une info-bulle notification.
114 utenti
Linkedin Data Scrapper
LinkedIn Data Scrapper is a data extraction tool,The extension helps recruiters to save linkedIn candidates data to google sheet individually as well as collectively.You can store all data of group of candidates in your google sheet on a single click
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Google Meet Balcão Virtual
Permite ao administrador gerenciar o aplicativo Google Meet utilizando a sistemática de atendimento ao público, definindo sala de espera, sala de atendimento, salas privadas e públicas, bem como uma campainha para avisar quando alguém entrar na sala.
114 utenti
Asterisk Click2Dial
This web-extension allows you to place calls from an Asterisk server when selecting a phone number on a webpage. You can also call a custom number from the Asterisk icon on the toolbar.
114 utenti
Delete Messenger Messages/Delete All Messages
Delete Messenger Messages/Delete All Messages - with this extension you can delete all your messenger messages in seconds! This version is compatible with last messenger version!
114 utenti