Brainly Bypass by Jack
Remova os limites de visualização de resposta e anúncios no Brainly
58 utenti
Ce plugin rattache les membres du gouvernement français à leurs affaires judiciaires et polémiques
57 utenti
Facebook Unfollowers
Fastest way to Unfollow All Of Your Friends Pages & Groups At once!
57 utenti
57 utenti
СТОП: вредна "медия"
Предупреждава при зареждане или цитиране във Фейсбук на неетична 'медия' - анонимна, с фалшиви новини, клевети, конспирации, реч на омразата
57 utenti
Billionaire-to-oligarch replacer
Replaces all instances of “billionaire” with “oligarch”.
57 utenti
Canvas Grade Viewer
This extension lets you view your canvas grade average per class, even when total grades are disabled. A simple extension to tally up and accurately display your total grade if it has been disabled.
57 utenti
Beastnotes ▪ Take notes for online courses
Easily take notes while watching course videos and study effectively.
57 utenti
K-NOW companion extension.
57 utenti
Zen Highlight: Highlight webpage faster
Highlight with one click. Just select text and it'll be highlighted. Copy all highlights to export into you own notebook. Free, unlimited highlights. No sign-up required.
57 utenti
Switch for YouTube
Would you still like to be able to enjoy Youtube's old look? Button "Restore old design" disappeared? Here is a solution. You decide which appearance is better. This extension allows you to switch between old and new designs.
57 utenti
Mastodon4 Redirect
Redirects users from Mastodon4 supported instances to their home instance
56 utenti
remove tumblr live
Removes the tumblr live banner from dashboard
56 utenti
Decode QR codes from page.
56 utenti
С VKfoxX вы всегда в курсе новостей ВКонтакте! Общаться, получать уведомления об ответах и следить за онлайном друзей теперь еще проще! И всё это прямо в окне расширения, даже не заходя на <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
56 utenti
Adds a tooltip containing title, duration, published date, and channel when hovering over a youtube link.
56 utenti
Social visual alt text
Visually show alternative text of social media images
55 utenti
PassLok for Email
High security email encryption for Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook online. PassLok is in no way associated with those services. Easy to use, powerful extension, which includes message hiding, forward secrecy and attachments, and runs also on Chrome.
55 utenti
Hide Twitter Sidebars
Hides Twitter sidebars.
55 utenti
中国节假日日历插件, 自动更新2020年后的节假日,应chrome上网友要求增加了周数显示,参考https://<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
55 utenti
Mytube for Youtube™
Removes all annoying ads and banners from YouTube!
55 utenti
YouTube Shorts Blocker
55 utenti
grimoire companion
Companion extension for Grimoire - the bookmark manager for the wizards 🧙
55 utenti
Amplifier AMP/Canonical switcher
Quickly switch between Canonical and AMP version of a page
55 utenti
Using this plugin you can make short links and screenshots on your own domain.
55 utenti