Twishare to Misskey
Twitter のシェアボタンから Misskey にシェアすることができるようにします。
40 utenti
Zabalerarik gabeko zuriuneak txertatzeko gehigarria. Twitter, Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket eta abarretan traola eta erabiltzaile-izenei kasu-marka eta postposizioak modu naturalago batean gehitzeko aukera ematen du.
40 utenti
Safe Links Cleaner
Correct the display and quoting of links mangled by Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Safe Links.
40 utenti
Return YouTube Subscribers
This Extension Unabbreviates Subscriber Counts By Estimating Them On YouTube Channel/Video Pages.
40 utenti
I don't care about your likes
Read social media without paying attention to the addictive aspect of it. This is the Firefox version of this Chrome extension: <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
40 utenti
max resolution twitter images
always load & display image posts across twitter using the highest quality available. madoka edition !
40 utenti
Copy Title or Url
For copying title or url. You can copy 4 texts. - title - url - link (a) (anchor tag, '<a href="https://xxx">yyy</a>') - link (md) (link for markdown, '[yyy](https://xxx)')
40 utenti
Automatically switch Twitter feed to ”Latest Tweets” ✨
40 utenti
Google Meet Attendees & Breakout Rooms
Easily get everyone attending a Google Meet and compare them to a list, create groups and more
40 utenti
Youtube Ads Skipper
Automatically skip ads from videos on Youtube.
40 utenti
HotBot Search with AI
Ask HotBot A.I. a question, set HotBot as your homepage and default search engine.
40 utenti
The Decentr Browser Add-on is part of the wider Decentr ecosystem.
40 utenti
No Twitter Crop
Get rid of Twitter's image crop on single image tweets.
39 utenti
Zoho Bookings
An appointment scheduler that makes it easy to find the right time to connect with your customers.Scheduling made incredibly simple.
39 utenti
Wave - Reactions for Google Meet
Wave is a Firefox/Chrome compatible alternative to the Nod extension for Google meet, which is currently Chrome-only.
39 utenti
PB Comments Plugin
This extension improves the usability of comments on the Poll Bludger blog. This plugin ONLY works at the following website: <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>
39 utenti
Advent of Code to Markdown
Generates Markdown for a given Advent of Code page.
39 utenti
WowApp Smart Web
A new way to Earn for our WowApp members! We’re bringing you "Smart Web" - the extension that enables you to earn what’s rightfully yours when browsing the Internet.
39 utenti
Emoji Keyboard XXL
Emoji Keyboard XXL is a free extension of the web tool <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>. You can find all current emojis with their meaning and copy them easily into a input field.
39 utenti
XING Benachrichtigungen
Wenn Sie eine neue Nachricht oder Kontaktanfrage erhalten oder jemand auf einen Ihrer Beiträge reagiert, erscheint am XING Logo eine orange hinterlegte Zahl. Per Klick aufs Logo gelangen Sie dann direkt zur XING Startseite.
39 utenti
Reddit Account Age
Displays the age of reddit accounts next to their username
39 utenti
Chirr App
Convert a blog post into a Twitter thread
39 utenti
Joshi Koukousei Captcha Service
The captcha solver made by and for japanese high school girls
39 utenti