Smart bookmarks with notes, highlights, history, and sharing
23 utenti
Jobs Filterer for LinkedIn
Filter jobs you don't want to see from LinkedIn search results and recommended jobs.
23 utenti
Redirect to privacy friendly alternatives
23 utenti
No Shorts
Removes all traces of youtube shorts from appearing on youtube.com. Also redirects links to youtube shorts back to the previous page.
22 utenti
LibreOffice writer online
Crea e modifica documenti con un'applicazione di elaborazione testi
22 utenti
Türkçe sözlük
İstediğiniz kelimenin anlamına çift tıklama ile bakın.
22 utenti
xQc Status Indicator
Get real-time updates on xQc’s live streams on Twitch and Kick
22 utenti
CPC Checker (basique)
Affiche le nombre de messages non lus sur le forum CanardPC
22 utenti
Красный ВСоюзе
CSS-тема для ВКонтакте
22 utenti
Unicode Smiley
Extension pour afficher les codes Unicode des smileys Unicode.
22 utenti
Type Autosuggest
Install this extension to get suggestions for the word you are typing anywhere on the web. You can use the suggestions to autocomplete with simple keyboard shortcuts! Inspired by mobile keyboards. We don't track what you type!
22 utenti
Porn-Website Blocker
Block all websites which increases pornography among Youth.
22 utenti
Grammarly to Markdown
🖋 Convert Grammarly to Markdown, sending it to Clipboard
22 utenti
Canonical Url Detector
If the page has Canonical URL, you can click to switch the URL in address bar.
22 utenti
QR Code Generator
Minimal qrcode generator extension for firefox
22 utenti
Editor fogli di calcolo MyXls
Crea o modifica fogli di calcolo che utilizzano il formato OpenDocument (ODF) e i formati Microsoft Excel xls/xlsx.
22 utenti
Panel & Notifier for Instagram™
check your Instagram while you browse, plus, get badge notifications for new posts.
22 utenti
Make Donald Duck Again
Make Donald Duck Again!
22 utenti
Diit read comments
Marks read comments on diit.cz, cdr.cz
22 utenti
YouTube Skip Ad
Automate the clicking of 'Skip Ads' button on YouTube
22 utenti
Grandstream (click-to-call)
Converts phone numbers to active links for making calls over Grandstream phones
22 utenti
Simple YouTube
Simple YouTube is a lightweight extension that simplifies your YouTube experience by removing unnecessary clutter.
22 utenti
memegen - meme generator
Create and share memes without even leaving the tab
22 utenti
Cypherdog Encryption
Encrypt any file, any text, and share via any medium, any time
22 utenti
Fly Away
Redirects you to Bluesky when you visit Twitter.
22 utenti