A simple Firefox extension that when on Youtube, if you click the KeyE the current video playing will be fullscreened to the tab it's on.
2 utenti
Open All Selected Links in New Tab
2 utenti
Jisho Searcher
Searches highlighted text on <a href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/6557c9ed33937e8d4fc3dfe1d929d04d3244fc0d58636c08a15ba79c897438a3/http%3A//Jisho.org" rel="nofollow">Jisho.org</a>.
2 utenti
TabMagic - Vim-inspired Bookmark Manager
Easily manage your tabs, navigate Firefox, and share resources with TabMagic. Visit https://tabmagic.app for more info.
2 utenti
Url To QR
Converts the current URL into a QR code
2 utenti
Minimal Tabs
Optimize your search habits by limiting the number of tabs you can create.
2 utenti
Tab Previewer Plus
Tab Previewer Plus is a versatile browser extension designed to enhance your browsing experience by providing convenient previews of open tabs in a pop-up window. Say goodbye to tab clutter and effortlessly navigate through your open tabs.
2 utenti
Container cookie duplicator
Automatically duplicate specific cookie domains to all your multi-account containers
2 utenti
Transfer a tab from normal to private browsing.
2 utenti
Immortal Pins
Restore pins from a saved list of pinned tabs
2 utenti
Tab Renamer!
Rename a extension with just the right click menu!
2 utenti
It's Dream Time
Enforce your sleep schedule by blocking browsing during specified hours. Sleep better, browse less.
2 utenti
Colab Themes
Changes the appearance of Google Colab!
2 utenti
Одна вкладка Поиска Яндекс
Позволяет выключить открытие сайтов в новой вкладке при поиске через Яндекс
2 utenti
Turns the new tab page into a beautiful, minimal gradient.
2 utenti
Broken Mouse Wheel
Just hold the CTRL button while moving your mouse to scroll up and down. For known issues and upcoming improvements visit: <a rel="nofollow" href="https://prod.outgoing.prod.webservices.mozgcp.net/v1/2316102da10266b3d71fc2f8f8c7976a1c4482a513c9bd8d63a552a118cfaaeb/https%3A//github.com/Kenocell/broken-mouse/issues">https://github.com/Kenocell/broken-mouse/issues</a>
2 utenti
Ändert die neue Tab Seite zu einer Seite mit der aktuellen Uhrzeit und dem Datum.
2 utenti
Makes Ctrl/Cmd-click not switch focused tab for rel="external" links.
2 utenti
Automatically closes any tab not accessed for 48h hours. When a tab is closed, a bookmark is placed in tabexpire folder.
2 utenti
Github Repo Status
Show an at-a-glance overview of GitHub repositories activity status directly in the browser bar.
2 utenti
TeamLogic Bookmark Manager
The updated Firefox plugin is a 4x6 grid with 22 functioning buttons representing websites. Users can click on buttons to navigate to respective sites. It features logos, interactive design, and allows quick access to websites.
2 utenti
Tab Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts for managing tabs.
2 utenti
The edited Hacker's Browser Vimium. Vimlike provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of Vim.
2 utenti
SubmitFilesToChatGPT - Modified Layout
Reskin of A SubmitFilesToChatGPT. ALL CREDITS TO Oscar Junski, who made the original extension @: <a href="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/submitfilestochatgpt/" rel="nofollow">https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/submitfilestochatgpt/</a>
2 utenti
Broken Lessons
Takes you directly to the lessons that need to be revised.
2 utenti