SMMRY extension
Alternative to the bookmark shortcut provided by <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
2 utenti
History bumper
Make your history more useful by bumping viewed and/or closed tabs, so pages stay in MRU order.
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Pokemon ShowdownSync
Synchronise les teams sur <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
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Recherche parmi les onglets ouverts.
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Better Start Page
Minimalistic beautiful bookmarks in the new tab page. Add or edit all of your bookmarks in Bookmark Manager.
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Quickly close all other tabs!
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Fav Bookmark Manager
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Skip the word salad and get to the meaty stuff. Icon made by photo3idea_studio from <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.
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Tabs to Clipboard
Adds a browser action icon that joins every active tab URL into a single string and copy to clipboard.
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Query your current browser tabs
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Mute Domain Addon
Mutes all tabs for a specific domain.
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Change Webpage Fonts
Change Webpage Fonts
2 utenti ― Search word on tab title
This extension changes <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> search result tab's title to search word in the tab. この拡張機能は、Startpage.comにおける検索結果を表示しているタブタイトルを検索ワードで置き換えます。 #Just install #Privacy #Opensource
2 utenti
Metro Speed Dial - Modern New Tab page
A modern and simple speed dial that lets you bring all the websites you love to the new tab page.
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To OpenTofu Docs
Redirects HashiCorp Terraform documentation to OpenTofu
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ScratchPad Web
Facility for providing sketching functions.
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Open New Tab in Container
Open a newtab in a specified container (with the command line or address bar) via a url in the form ext+newtabcontainer://<container_name>
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Tabs Numbering
Firefox tabs numbering: Firefox add-on that numbers each tab in order to facilitate tab-switching to users who use keyboard shortcuts. Thought for i3 window manager users.
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Site Limiter
Limits time spent on specific websites.
2 utenti
itrascastro - All Tabs Finder
This addon can find a key in all opened tabs. It also works with google sheets ...
2 utenti
Permet de récuperer son correlation ID au sein des dialogues
1 utente
Toolbar button for quick access to <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a>, Powerful and Free Productivity web-based tool for Text Manipulation & Scraping.
1 utente
Allows the user to set a different website as page to be opened as new tab
1 utente
Vivir: new tab with a new Spanish word.
1 utente