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225 utenti
Close Duplicate Tabs
Shows the total amount of duplicate tabs and allows to quickly and easily close them. - Same URLs in different containers are not treated as duplicates.
224 utenti
Language Switcher
Change the language header (accept-language) that websites see via toolbar popup
224 utenti
Colab Auto Reconnect
Automatically reconnects to Colab's ongoing session without manually clicking.
223 utenti
QR code tab URL
Adds a button in address bar and show URL from current tab as QR code
223 utenti
Vu Quiz Copy & Search
Vu Allow Quiz copy and Quiz Search. This extension allows you to copy the quiz and search it on the Google.
223 utenti
Tab Numbers
This extension writes the tab number to the tabs, the ones accessible with ctrl/cmd + number
222 utenti
Shuffle Tabs
Add a toolbar button which rearrange tabs in random order when clicked.
222 utenti
Doki Theme for Firefox
Cute anime character themes for Firefox.
221 utenti
Save Tabs to Text
Save tabs to a text file.
218 utenti
LoadTabOnSelect 3
Stops loading the content of the tab opened in the background, such as by clicking the middle mouse button. Reduces the instantaneous peak CPU load and network load when opening many links at once. Other miscellaneous functions related to tabs.
218 utenti
Omni - Manage Tabs, Bookmarks, History...
Supercharge Firefox with commands, shortcuts, and more
216 utenti
Control your Firefox's tabs from command line
214 utenti
Rename Tab
Allows you to rename tabs by right-clicking the tab and selecting "Rename Tab"
214 utenti
Ultimate Theme creator
Create and share your ultimate color theme for firefox with the highest level of customization possible. Select your preferred color for various parts of the browser UI to try instantly. This extension is powered using the theme API for Firefox.
213 utenti
Time Restart
Ti permette di specificare il tempo di riavvio del browser.
213 utenti
Tab Group Switch
Save tab groups and switch between them.
211 utenti
Move To Private Window
This add-on adds an option to the right click menu for tabs that will move the current tab into a private window.
211 utenti
Ringover | Click2Call
With the Ringover extension | Click2Call, all phone numbers displayed on web pages become clickable!
211 utenti
URL Increment Button
A 1-Click URL Increment Button for your toolbar. Works with or without URL Incrementer.
211 utenti
Download by Free Download Manager
Optionally use Free Download Manager instead of the built-in download manager to get large files
209 utenti
Custom Tab Title and Favicon
Firefox web extension to change the title and favicon of any tab depending on regular expressions applied to the tab address URL or title
208 utenti
Fire Auto Reloader
It reloads the current tab at a chosen interval
208 utenti
Tab Count
Show number of open tabs.
207 utenti
Quran Tab
Quran Tab is an Islamic new tab page that will keep you inspired by a verse from the Quran every time you open a new tab. This is a ported version of the Google Chrome Extension. I did not create this extension, nor did I create the Chrome version.
207 utenti