Tero - Save trees by browsing online
Tero turns your browser into a force of positive change and lets you fight climate change simply by browsing online.
181 utenti
Background-tab It
Add a context menu option to open a link in a background tab. Very useful if you usually open links in a foreground tab but sometimes want to open certain link in the background instead.
180 utenti
Containers Theme
Changes the current browser window theme to match the colour of the active Container Tab. This increases the visibility of normal containers: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/multi-account-containers/
180 utenti
Workona Tasks - Todo list & project manager
The best task list for work in the browser. Now it’s simple to jot down a task, check in with your most important todos, or create a task list for a project. Creating todo lists is easier than ever — just click the button in your browser bar.
180 utenti
Word Editor
A free & easy-to-use word editor extension for your browser.
180 utenti
Recently Closed
Reopen recently closed tabs or windows.
179 utenti
Keyboard configurable detach, attach, merge and quick switch tabs
179 utenti
Detach Tabs
Add a right-click menu item to tabs which allows moving multiple tabs into a new window. You can detach the tab that was right-clicked and all tabs to its right or all tabs sharing the same origin.
179 utenti
Big Search
Handily use / switch search engines via a Flexible Tool. With some special technical features also. Definitly more than a GET/POST sender. Source code on Github. Vast search, search great! Breadth 🗺️ & Focus 👨💻
179 utenti
Make firefox flow like arc
179 utenti
Lenz Image Downloader
Download images from Instagram in a quality of your choice
178 utenti
IdentFavIcon Quantum
Automatically generated favicons for sites without one.
178 utenti
Fake YouTube premium
It changes the YouTube logo to Premium logo to fake having YouTube Premium
177 utenti
Select Tabs
A simple tool for doing one thing very well: select multiple tabs in the current window.
177 utenti
A web extension to save, manage and restore sessions, windows and tabs.
175 utenti
Tab Cookie Remover
Remove all cookies for the active tab with just one click.
175 utenti
Digital Detox - Block distracting websites
Give yourself a digital detox and block all distracting and time-consuming websites. From the toolbar, you can quickly add websites to block list or temporarily disable the blocking.
175 utenti
Single Window (open links in active window)
Do not allow popup windows. Open all links in the current window
174 utenti
Quick Copy URL
Quickly copy the URL of your current tab with a click
174 utenti
URL として開く
選択したテキスト内に含まれる URL を、コンテキストメニューから新規タブで開きます。h 抜きなど、プロトコルのない URL も https か http に補完して開きます。選択した URL を一時的に記憶して、あとでまとめて開くこともできます。
172 utenti
Tab Limit
Limit the number of open tabs – in total and per window
171 utenti
Auto scrolls webpages at a reasonable pace
171 utenti
Vertical Tree Tabs
Display your tabs in a sidebar.
171 utenti
Tab Randomizer
The Tab Randomizer randomizes (or shuffles) all tabs in the current window
170 utenti
Organize tabs into workspaces.
170 utenti