Fusion Adblock and AntiTracker
A Simple App for blocking online Ad-content and web trackers via the webRequest API at the DNS level.
23 utenti
Look up the selected text by right-click on your mouse or by pressing <option/alt> twice.
23 utenti
A Ergonomic zoom add-on to zoom on the current Page withtout having to memorize shorcuts
23 utenti
Browser Injector
Inietta CSS e Javascript nelle pagine
23 utenti
Undo|Duplicate Tab
Undo a closed Tab(s) or create a duplicate of your current Tab
22 utenti
Temporary Tab Container
Open each new tab in a temporary container.
22 utenti
2020.02.22## No Longer Maintained ## There is already a integrated zoom feature in firefox. So there is no need for this extention. ----- Auto zoom every new tab into specified zoom level, so that you dont have to zoom every new tab manually.
22 utenti
Eight Mouse Gestures
Ease your web surfing! Just by straight mouse gestures, you can open recently closed tab, open a link in a new tab (new window or private window), go back and forth in history, scroll to the top or bottom of a page, close a tab and reload a page.
22 utenti
Расширение на обученных моделях искусственного интеллекта для автоматического решения капчи ВКонтакте
22 utenti
Language Switcher for Microsoft Learn
This extension is a tool to quickly switch the language code of the Microsoft Learn site. You can set your language code on the options page.
22 utenti
Napirajz plugin
Napirajz már a böngésződben is. Új tab-ra kattintva aktuális vagy random rajzok rombolják a munkakedvet. E! Külön köszönet Flamis 'spartalos' Somának, az eredeti Webextension pluginért.
22 utenti
Working Tab Saver
Save your tabes when You finished working and you want to do other thinks and reload it when you want to work again.
22 utenti
SearchScene – The Charitable Search Engine
SearchScene is a search engine that donates 95% of its profits to major international charities, especially those that focus on climate change. By adding this extension, you make SearchScene your homepage, your new tab and your default search engine.
22 utenti
YouTube Thumbnail Viewer
Right click a YouTube Thumbnail to view a full-size version.
22 utenti
Don't Make Me Watch
Keep ads from pausing when you switch to another tab
22 utenti
Find on YouTube (Context Menu)
This extension adds a context menu option for selected text in order to find video related to the text
22 utenti
Ctrl-Tab as Alt-Q
Overrides the 'Alt+q' key combination to replace the last two tabs (by history). This is default behavior IDE by shortcuts 'Ctrl+Tab' UPD: Oh, this behavior of Ctrl-Tab can be enabled in the settings. Well, all right..
22 utenti
Adds a tab-session manager to Firefox
22 utenti
Replace your new tab page with the Bible Verse of the Day.
22 utenti
Refresh tab
Refresh a tab with a selectable interval.
22 utenti
Intend New Tab Page
Put what's most important right in front of you. Replaces your new tab page with the next action towards your intend.do goals. (Also has a big DONE button)
22 utenti
Undistracted Me
This extension replaces your new tabs with a distraction free nepali date.
21 utenti
AVT - Assistente Virtual Trabalhista
Esta extensão se destina a profissionais de advocacia, perícia judicial e serviço público na Justiça do Trabalho, tendo como objetivo oferecer ferramentas de gestão de processos, otimizando trabalhos e interligando sistemas com melhorias constantes.
21 utenti
Tab Purifier Lite - Quick Porn Tab Closer
This app closes your p0rn tabs all at once!
21 utenti
Developer Excuses
Get a brand new developer excuse for every new tab ! Excuses from www.developerexcuses.com.
21 utenti