Material Design Color Palette - Click to Copy
Click to copy Material Design color palette. Copy in #HEX, HEX, RGB( ), RGBA( ), HSL( ), & HSLA( ).
140 utenti
Deactivates HTML5 form validation for testing server-side or alternative client-side (e.g. JavaScript-based) validation methods.
140 utenti
Show YouTube Dislikes and Unlisted Videos
Miss the ability to see dislikes? Want to have a quicker method of seeing unlisted videos or discover new ones? Now you can have all those things for free!
139 utenti
CSP Tester
This extension helps web masters to test web application behaviour with Content Security Policy version 2.0 implemented.
139 utenti
This extension makes web site monochrome.
139 utenti
GrabzIt Web Scraping Assistant
Create Web Scrapes online easier than ever before with GrabzIt’s Web Scraping Assistant.
138 utenti
Website and IP address blocker
Block Websites and IP address. Additional feature: Option to only block the homepage.
138 utenti
Epoch Converter
Convert unix epoch datetime to regular date format (MM/DD/YYYY) in GMT and local timezones and vice versa.
138 utenti
Скриншот на VFL.Ru
С помощью этого дополнения вы можете создать скриншот (снимок) страницы и моментально разместить его на фотохостинге VFL.Ru, получив ссылку на страницу с созданным скриншотом, которую можно отправить тем, кому вы хотели бы показать скриншот.
137 utenti
Quickly view social meta tags for a page, and preview how your page will look when embedded on social media.
137 utenti
Twitch Username and User ID
Fetch user id of a Twitch username or the username of a Twitch user id. The Firefox port of
137 utenti
This extension set up a development environment for Drupal contributions
137 utenti
Extension for AWS SSO
This extension is for AWS IAM Identity Center (The old name is AWS SSO).
135 utenti
Codecov Browser Extension Adds Codecov coverage data and line annotations to public and private repositories on GitHub.
134 utenti
This is a reminder add-on which reminds you about the things u specify ,provided some time.
134 utenti
MDN Web Docs Search
Adds MDN Web Docs as a search option.
134 utenti
User Agent Editor
Change your user agent quickly and easily
134 utenti
Inspect GraphQL requests and response data in the devtools.
134 utenti
ChatGPT to Markdown
Convert ChatGPT,, conversations to Markdown (.md) files
133 utenti
An extension to open Putty from your Firefox browser.
133 utenti
Hotwire Dev Tools
Hotwire Dev Tools for Turbo and Stimulus
133 utenti
Cookie Helper
The ultimate privacy manager. Cookie Helper provides seamless integration with our native Cookie manager for macOS. Quickly and easily favorite sites, then easily remove tracking cookies, history, cache and databases for those you don't want.
132 utenti
Git Notify
Don't miss any GitLab issues or merge requests and rocket up your productivity.
132 utenti
Better Ruler
132 utenti
Meteor DevTools Evolved
The Meteor framework development tool belt, evolved.
132 utenti