Twitch Ad Blocker
Tired of Ads on Twitch? Block all ads and watch videos without interruptions.
9.691 utenti
Purple Ads Blocker for Twitch
Purple AdBlock is a adblock for
7.402 utenti
Яндекс Эволюция - Поиск Yandex Search
Российский поисковик Яндекс (Яndex, Yandex)
7.148 utenti
KellyC Show YouTube Dislikes
Show dislikes on Youtube ** Extension can be disabled after update \ install by default - check it is enabled - then restart browser if not work **
6.741 utenti
Streaming enhanced: Netflix Disney+ Prime Video
Salta annunci, intro, titoli di coda e regola la velocità su Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+, Crunchyroll e HBO Max.
6.703 utenti
Un bloccatore leggero, non invasivo e facile da usare che blocca tutti i tipi di annunci, tracciatori e malware.
6.687 utenti
YouTube AdBlock
Accelerates and Skips YouTube Ads
6.414 utenti Redirect
Redirects all requests from wikis that have moved to from their former host.
6.410 utenti | The Search Engine You Control
Sets Firefox's default search engine to
6.407 utenti
Google Analytics Opt-out
Prevents the Google Analytics and Tag Manager's JavaScript APIs from collecting data and recording the user
5.986 utenti
VPN Gratuito - 1VPN
VPN gratuito, dati illimitati, velocità elevate, crittografia sicura, politica no-log e facile da usare.
5.572 utenti
Video Downloader
Scarica video dai tuoi siti preferiti con un solo clic. Ora disponibile anche per YouTube!
5.310 utenti
Automatic AdSkipper
AdSkipper is browser extension that automatically skips in video ads on websites. Support the project on: Source Code
4.521 utenti
Ad Blocker for Facebook™
Remove unwanted contents on the Facebook website, including sponsored posts and recommended pages/groups. Supports both desktop and mobile Firefox.
4.436 utenti
KeepSolid VPN Unlimited® - Miglior Proxy
VPN Unlimited - estensione VPN affidabile, facile da usare e velocissima per il browser Firefox
4.343 utenti
Open in Tor Browser
Open current page or link in tor browser for better privacy
4.124 utenti
Reddit Ad Remover
Removes Reddit 'PROMOTED' posts and advertisements in the feed and sidebar.
3.069 utenti
Tweaks for YouTube
Seek, navigate chapters, control volume, speed, and more with mouse and keyboard shortcuts. Adjust player controls, progress bar, subtitles, process audio, show playlist duration, take video snapshot, set initial volume, speed, resolution, and more.
2.941 utenti
Ad Blocker
This extension removes YouTube ad smartly, also creators income will be normal. Your review matters for me a lot :) Support :-
2.875 utenti
Video Ads Blocker in Youtube™
Let YouTube no ads. Auto skip ads when watching YouTube videos.
2.657 utenti
YouTube Adblock
Rimuove gli annunci da YouTube™.
2.453 utenti
Popupblocker kann alle Pop-ups blockieren. Viele Webseiten öffnen neue Fenster mit Werbung, wenn man versucht Text zu makieren oder etwas anklickt. Dieses Add-on blockiert das und zeigt einen ganz kleinen Hinweis an.
2.415 utenti
Script Blocker Ultimate (NoScript, Disable JS)
Best Script Blocker for Firefox. (Best in Performance, This addon does NOT track user activities same as others)
2.333 utenti
Circle reader
The best free reading assistant (reader mode) that enhances the web page reading experience. Ads are too distracting, the colors are too ugly, the fonts are too small to see clearly, the typography is too messy to find the text, does it really need
2.295 utenti
2.294 utenti