4 utenti
4 utenti
Save and share bookmarks instantly w/ Stacks
Share bookmarks with your team, friends and family with just one click, whether it’s your favorite youtube video or a great article.
4 utenti
mdBook Auto Theme
🎨 A browser extension for automatically applying themes on websites generated by mdBook.
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reFilc - e-KRÉTA restyle
Egy reFilc témával ellátott egyedi kinézet az e-KRÉTA oldalakhoz.
3 utenti
No ParaSite - Best Site Blocker
Block sites and enhance your productivity with customizable limiting techniques and features. All for free. Pause/Block all distractions. Website Blocker Add-on Extension for Firefox
3 utenti
dark mode for snap.berkeley.edu
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Simple Brightness Control
Brightness Control - Passe die Helligkeit jeder Webseite individuell an und speichere deine Einstellungen pro Website. Schone deine Augen beim nächtlichen Surfen und genieße ein angenehmeres Leseerlebnis. Einfach zu bedienen und perfekt anpassbar.
3 utenti
3 utenti
Lügat - Yeni Sekme Sözlüğü
Lügat, açtığınız her yeni sekmede bir atasözü, deyim veya kelimeyle birlikte anlamını vererek kelime dağarcığınızı geliştirir.
3 utenti
3 utenti
Container Windows
Create a single tab group for each window using container tabs.
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Cloud Translate
A translation extension uses translation services cloud provider provides. I currently support the following cloud services(Amazon Translate, Microsoft Azure Translator, Google Cloud Translation AI).
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Useful Bookmarklets
Useful Bookmarklets is a tiny little extension that groups many bookmarklets together in a single button and only displays the ones you need based on the website you're currently visiting.
3 utenti